2024-25 OUSD District Calendar
2024-25 Peralta School Calendar
Google Web Calendar Issue: If you do not see any events in the calendar above, try clearing your browser's cache and cookies (how to). There is, unfortunately, a Google bug that sometimes causes the embedded calendar to break in some browsers. However, you should always be able to view the calendar by importing it into your calendar application using the instructions below.
Major Events
Peralta Fund Drive
SeptemberDiversity Dinner
OctoberMakers Market
DecemberAnnual Auction
Import the Peralta Calendar
You can get the school calendar on your phone or desktop calendar program (such as Outlook, Apple iCal, Thunderbird Lightening, etc.):
Have a Google Calendar? Click the "+" button in the lower right of the Google widget to add the Peralta Calendar!
iCal / ICS : Most services use this URL for importing Google calendars: http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/peraltaschool.org_dvnmckbchp05hqenl7cl50vli0%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
Google Calendar ID: peraltaschool.org_dvnmckbchp05hqenl7cl50vli0@group.calendar.google.com
Web Calendar: Some apps can use Google calendar web urls: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=peraltaschool.org_dvnmckbchp05hqenl7cl50vli0%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles