PPTG Roles and Volunteer Directory
PPTG Leadership Council
PPTG President
Serves as “the face” of PPTG and the liaison between Parent/Guardian community and the Principal. The chair often is the first point of contact for those with questions, needs or information and directs people to the appropriate person within the organization. This role requires quite a bit of time and involvement with the school onsite. The Chair works with the other Co-Chairs on the leadership council to build agendas for and facilitate the PPTG meetings, reach out to the community for volunteers and promote the missions of Peralta on site and within the district.
PPTG Co-Recording Secretaries
Attends all PPTG meetings, take notes, formats and archives via posting on the PPTG-LC website, and will help to make printed copies for non-email users upon request.
PPTG Co-Treasurers
Responsible for fulfilling the ongoing financial reporting needs of the PPTG and Peralta community. Works in partnership with the Financial Analyst on strategic projects (budget, long-term funds, etc.). Major responsibilities include paying bills and people; deposits; event cash handling; bookkeeping (QuickBooks) and balancing checkbook; reporting to the membership.
PPTG Volunteer Co-Chairs
Facilitates PPTG efforts to reach out to Peralta families to foster participation in the various events, roles and activities that parents & caregivers may engage in. Maintains the PPTG Guide and the Volunteer Roles directory. Leads the recruiting effort at the end/beginning of each year. Helps organize the Annual Information and Activities Fair at the first PPTG meeting in September. Follows up with coordinators as needed throughout the year. Works to promote diversity and include as many as possible in the PPTG’s community of “doers”.
PPTG Communications Co-Chairs
Ensures all families receive necessary information regarding Peralta news, events, plans, policies, and decision-making; maximizes opportunities for all families to provide input and ideas. Has responsibilities for getting information out via paper handouts, Peralta Times, email newsletter (Peralta Broadcast) and automated telephone service (Calling Post).
PPTG Community Relations/Advocacy Chair
Facilitates inclusive planning, decision-making, oversight, and communication of PPTG efforts to build community within our diverse school population, among the parents/caregivers, teachers, staff and neighbors.
PPTG Facilities Chair
Facilitates inclusive planning, decision-making, oversight, and communication of PPTG efforts to maintain, improve, and/or expand Peralta ground and facilities, and long term strategic planning. A background in construction and or architecture is helpful here.
PPTG Finance Chair
Coordinates and supports financial management of PPTG funds; with Fundraising Chair, communicates and coordinates discussion of fundraising progress, issues and decisions to the school community. Forecast future earnings, work with PPTG Chair and principal to prioritize spending, and manage contracts for all PPTG contractors
PPTG Fundraising Chair
Strategizes fundraising for the school; communicates and coordinates discussion of fundraising progress, issues and decisions to the school community.
PPTG Wellness & Support Co-Chairs
Facilitates inclusive planning, decision-making, oversight, and communication of PPTG efforts to enrich and support school programs and operations.
PPTG After School Program Co-Chairs
Facilitates inclusive planning, decision-making, oversight, and communication of PPTG efforts to enrich and support the after-school educational experience of Peralta students.
Diversity-Unity Co-Chairs
Facilitates inclusive planning, decision-making, oversight, and communication of PPTG efforts to foster a culture reflective of the school’s diverse membership, building community and encouraging open expression and celebration of this diversity. Coordinates team to put on annual potluck dinner. Includes promotion, recruiting and organizing volunteers to set up, shop, decorate, serve dinner, and clean up. Coordinate with teachers and enrichment programs to schedule entertainment. (This is a social event, not a fundraiser.)
Event Chairs
Auction Chairs
This team works on concept, program flow, coordinates donation solicitation, item presentation both physical and catalog, and thanking donors. Hard work, a lot of fun, always a great group who know how to put on a party. Extensive, good documents exist for this important task.
Peralta Fund Chair
Important job at the beginning of each school year with school’s biggest fundraiser. Approximately 20-25 hours of work during first 5 weeks of school (classroom visits, Back to School night presentations, emails/flyers, etc.) Track money as it comes in. Very good documentation for the tasks involved in this job.
Peralta in Bloom Chair
This position is a lot of work, but a lot of fun. You work with a bunch of Peralta people (OVER 100) to create the largest, most public event on the Peralta calendar that everyone who is anyone, comes to. You pull together the group and organize the meetings (January-May). Find people to take charge of food, games, entertainment, sponsorship, etc. On the day of the festival, you oversee the event, but you must take time to eat some barbecue. You will be exhausted by the end, but you will probably have made some great friends and you will definitely have an enormous feeling of accomplishment. This position is for someone who likes to get things done! Extensive, good documents exist for this important task.
How do you get 250 kids to walk around the block 20 times and raise money for the school? Put together pledge packets. Go to each class and try to get every child to participate. Buy lots of really cheap toys. Buy a bunch of “Superwalker” medals. Hand out one toy out each time they go around the block Hand out medals at the end. Remind everyone to turn in their pledges. Remind them again.
Volunteer Coordinators
Berkeley Bowl Scrip
Sells Berkeley Bowl scrip to Peralta community one morning each week at school. Coordinates with Treasurer to maintain inventory. Tracks and secures scrip in stock.
Bike and Walk to School
Organize and promote monthly Bike & Walk to School Day, as well as handling International Walk to School Week.
E-Scrip & Box Tops
Promotes and manages Boxtops fundraising program, including flyers, newsletter reminders, announcements, maintains collection box, etc.
Peralta Broadcast
Pull together & write up important Peralta events and community news for the upcoming week and mail out in the weekly Broadcast email.
Recruits and schedules hourly childcare workers for PPTG meetings and Peralta events. Coordinates with Treasurer to pay workers at each event. Coordinates with school staff and teachers to arrange for childcare space and ensures cleanup at end of events.
Coordinates with principal, teachers, PPTG chairs and volunteer coordinators to inform, promote, and recruit Peralta community on activities, events, and campaigns, through signage, flyers, and Friday folder distribution.
Earthquake / Disaster Preparedness
Organizes team to provide materials, storage, and awareness for Peralta staff, teachers, parents and children be prepared for major disasters. Solicit donations, keep inventory and refresh materials and equipment, and organize trainings and drills.
Promote signups by Peralta community and beyond (relatives, LRPG) in shopping rewards programs to benefit PPTG. Use email, tabling at events, providing laptops for signups, newsletter, flyers, signage, etc. to encourage enrollment and renewal at beginning of year with periodic reminders throughout the year.
Fifth Grade Commencement
Christine Chrisman
Jen Werner
Fourth grade parents/caregivers who coordinate the invitation, set up, decorations and refreshments at the 5th grade graduation the last day of school
Friday Coffee & Brewing Community
What better way to get to know the school community than through coffee & bagels? Solicit donations of coffee, bagels and pastries. Set up table select Friday mornings and sell your wares!
Grade Level News
“Grade Level News” is circulated monthly from the teachers to each grade; includes specific information about the curriculum as well as reference to the state standards. Teachers send these notes to Ms. Costello and the GLN Coordinator. GLN coordinator is responsible for getting them printed and into the Friday Folders each month.
Convenes a team to work with PPTG leadership and staff to identify and screen listings for possible grant applications (e.g. foundations, eSchool Grant News, PEN NewsBlast). Recruits and supports writing of applications by teachers, parents, and teams. Helps maintain records and monitors reporting requirements for grants received.
Greening & Gardening
Promotes monthly garden work days with flyers and email announcements. Coordinates vision of staff with needs of students, teachers and after school program with input from interested volunteers. Gets plants, tools, wood, paint and other materials in advance for preparation for regular work days and special projects. Maintains a master list of projects, including monthly schedules and annual special projects. Manages budget from PPTG and solicits donations and helps to write grants.
Incoming Families Picnic
Schedule and plan the Incoming Families Picnic, usually the Saturday before school starts. Includes inviting new families, promoting the event via email and social media, prepping for picnic (food, setup, breakdown, games, Q&A session,etc). In general, being available to answer questions from new families before, during, and after the picnic.
Kindergarten Outreach & Mentorship
Responsible for planning and carrying out activities that convey information about Peralta School to families interested in enrolling their children. Also creates a team that is available to answer new parent questions about the school, it's culture, and systems.
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