PPTG Roles and Volunteer Directory


  • Role
  • Description
  • PPTG President
    Juliana Van Cleve
  • Serves as “the face” of PPTG and the liaison between Parent/Guardian community and the Principal. The chair often is the first point of contact for those with questions, needs or information and directs people to the appropriate person within the organization. This role requires quite a bit of time and involvement with the school onsite. The Chair works with the other Co-Chairs on the leadership council to build agendas for and facilitate the PPTG meetings, reach out to the community for volunteers and promote the missions of Peralta on site and within the district.
  • PPTG Co-Recording Secretaries
    Erin Owes
    Angie May
  • Attends all PPTG meetings, take notes, formats and archives via posting on the PPTG-LC website, and will help to make printed copies for non-email users upon request.
  • PPTG Co-Treasurers
    Elizabeth Davies
    Keith Beattie
  • Responsible for fulfilling the ongoing financial reporting needs of the PPTG and Peralta community. Works in partnership with the Financial Analyst on strategic projects (budget, long-term funds, etc.). Major responsibilities include paying bills and people; deposits; event cash handling; bookkeeping (QuickBooks) and balancing checkbook; reporting to the membership.
  • PPTG Volunteer Co-Chairs
    Sarah McGee
    Jessica Sandow
  • Facilitates PPTG efforts to reach out to Peralta families to foster participation in the various events, roles and activities that parents & caregivers may engage in. Maintains the PPTG Guide and the Volunteer Roles directory. Leads the recruiting effort at the end/beginning of each year. Helps organize the Annual Information and Activities Fair at the first PPTG meeting in September. Follows up with coordinators as needed throughout the year. Works to promote diversity and include as many as possible in the PPTG’s community of “doers”.
  • PPTG Communications Co-Chairs
    > Open Position
  • Ensures all families receive necessary information regarding Peralta news, events, plans, policies, and decision-making; maximizes opportunities for all families to provide input and ideas. Has responsibilities for getting information out via paper handouts, Peralta Times, email newsletter (Peralta Broadcast) and automated telephone service (Calling Post).
  • PPTG Community Relations/Advocacy Chair
    > Open Position
  • Facilitates inclusive planning, decision-making, oversight, and communication of PPTG efforts to build community within our diverse school population, among the parents/caregivers, teachers, staff and neighbors.
  • PPTG Facilities Chair
    Levi Toney
  • Facilitates inclusive planning, decision-making, oversight, and communication of PPTG efforts to maintain, improve, and/or expand Peralta ground and facilities, and long term strategic planning. A background in construction and or architecture is helpful here.
  • PPTG Finance Chair
    > Open Position
  • Coordinates and supports financial management of PPTG funds; with Fundraising Chair, communicates and coordinates discussion of fundraising progress, issues and decisions to the school community. Forecast future earnings, work with PPTG Chair and principal to prioritize spending.
  • PPTG Fundraising Co-Chairs
    Stephen Bloom
    Laura Mytels
  • Strategizes fundraising for the school; communicates and coordinates discussion of fundraising progress, issues and decisions to the school community.
  • PPTG Wellness & Support Co-Chairs
    Wendy Taubler
  • Facilitates inclusive planning, decision-making, oversight, and communication of PPTG efforts to enrich and support school programs and operations.
  • PPTG After School Program Co-Chairs
    Tiffany Sprague
  • Facilitates inclusive planning, decision-making, oversight, and communication of PPTG efforts to enrich and support the after-school educational experience of Peralta students.
  • Diversity-Unity Co-Chairs
    > Open Position
    > Open Position
  • Facilitates inclusive planning, decision-making, oversight, and communication of PPTG efforts to foster a culture reflective of the school’s diverse membership, building community and encouraging open expression and celebration of this diversity. Coordinates team to put on annual potluck dinner. Includes promotion, recruiting and organizing volunteers to set up, shop, decorate, serve dinner, and clean up. Coordinate with teachers and enrichment programs to schedule entertainment. (This is a social event, not a fundraiser.