Peralta Walkathon - Sunday, October 25th, 2015, 12:00-4:30 p.m.


The Walkathon is the only 100% kid-powered fundraiser at Peralta – and one of the mightiest fundraisers of them all! Over the past five years, the Walkathon has raised more than $140,000 for arts, sports, field trips and classroom supports at Peralta.

Plus, the Walkathon is FUN!


Donate to the Walkathon because it helps make Peralta awesome.  Walkathon funds help pay for aides in the (increasingly over-crowded) classrooms, for a librarian, for art and music instruction, for mental health counseling and the conflict resolution program, for the gardening program, and much, much more.  All these things are part of what makes Peralta a great place for kids and earned it a 2011 National Blue Ribbon award—one of only 22 schools in all of California to earn this distinction!


Donate Online  |  Download A Pledge Form  |  Set up your own fundraising page

Between now and October 25th, canvas your neighborhood and comb your email contacts to reach out to friends and family and collect pledges for the Walkathon. On October 25th students will walk laps along the sidewalks surrounding the school (63rd Street, Telegraph Ave., Alcatraz Ave., and Dana Street).

Pledge money can be turned in on the day of the Walkathon or given to Ms. Sonia Spindt (in the library or in her box in the office) up to two weeks after the event.

Checks should be made out to the PPTG (Peralta Parent Teacher Group, tax ID number 94-2831259).



Special Thanks to 2015 Walkathon Sponsors: 

  • BloomHomes/Peralta Real Estate Fund
  • ATeam Athletics

Thanks to our Walkathon In-Kind sponsors:

  • Clif Bars
  • The Holland Family
  • Nzilani Glass Conservation
  • Peet’s Coffee 
  • Ranahan Production Services, Inc.
  • Whole Foods Distribution

If your business and would like to receive increased exposure to the hundreds of families that participate in or donate to our Walkathon, please contact Denise Dekker.



  • VOLUNTEER: Parents and Caregivers, WE NEED LOTS OF VOLUNTEERS TO MAKE THIS DAY HAPPEN! There are a variety of jobs, at different shifts available. If you are interested please contact Erin Dare or Kelly Holland.
  • BAKE: On the day of the event, there will be barbeque and bake sale. Please consider donating baked goods!


To qualify as a Super Walker you must:

  • Collect AT LEAST $100 in pledge money OR
  • 15 pledges of any amount OR
  • Walk the number of 0.4 mile laps recommended for your grade level: K/1=10 laps (4 miles), 2/3=15 laps (6 miles), 4/5=20 laps (8 miles)

All Super Walkers receive a limited edition medal at the end of their walk!