Welcome to the August 28, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast!
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- Thurs, Sept. 3 6:30 Back to School Night
- Wed, Sept. 9 6pm PPTG Meeting
- Monday, Sept. 7 Labor Day - P.E.A.C.E. CLOSED
- Saturday, Sept. 12 Garden Work Day 9am
Making the Peralta World Go Round
Welcome back to school at beautiful and charming Peralta Elementary. As we reflect on our first week, readers have likely invested in new backpacks and a hello to the new teacher. Maybe you invested in some new shoes and a haircut for your child. Many parents have already made the ultimate investment in their school and community by donating money and/or time to the Peralta Parent – Teacher Group (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=5c795a431d&e=453c95996e) (PPTG).
On Monday students were greeted by safety officers guiding them across Dana Street and helping them from cars, a well tended garden, colorful art on buildings and a smiling teacher. Without PPTG imagine a Peralta with drab beige portables on a cement slab, students navigating across the street in commuter traffic. No art, no music, no garden, no sports or field trips.
Your tax dollars pay for a free public education and your donations of time and money provide a more colorful, enriching and safe education.
The goal this year is 80% participation in donations to the Peralta Fund. That could be a donation of $1 or $3000 – PPTG offers guides but each family is encouraged to make the decision that is right for them. As of Friday August 28, 2015 we are at 32 percent. To learn more and donate visit: http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=a07788065e&e=453c95996e
More Than Money
The Peralta reputation was built on more than money. Outstanding volunteers work year round to ensure that the garden is maintained and programs are continuously supported. But it doesn’t take a major time commitment. Unloading pumpkins in October, helping out a teacher, setting up chairs or cooking some hot dogs – there is a place for everyone and a fit for the time they have to share.
Find out more on Wednesday: PPTG Meeting | September 9th [Wednesday] Meeting social/dinner starts at 6:00 pm, meeting at 6:30, FREE CHILDCARE!
Every weekday morning from 8:10-8:40 PPTG provides a crossing guard and greeters at the Drop Off Zone on Dana street. Parent volunteers are needed to be crossing guards and greeters and 4th and 5th grade students are needed to be student greeters. Dylan Nolfi, safety patrol coordinator, will be signing up parents volunteers at the PPTG meeting on September 9th.
Peralta Gardens
On Monday you may have noticed the gardens welcoming students to school. Despite rumors magic garden gnomes were not responsible but rather a great group of volunteers kept up the gardens and the greenery over the summer. There will be lots of opportunities to help out in the gardens this year and the first is the first Garden Work Day on Saturday, September 12 from 9am – 1pm. Please come out and help trim, cut, pull, mulch and plant! You can come for the entire time or any portion. Bring your garden gloves and your kids! The kids love running around and have lots of fun. Food and Cole coffee (yum!) are provided.
One of the things that makes Peralta so special is the gardens. Want to get even more involved? Contact David Lorie at davidlorie@yahoo.com.
Parking Alert! The city of Oakland conducts street sweeping on the 2^nd and 4^th Monday and Tuesday of each month between 12:30 and 3:30PM. Watch out as parking is strictly enforced and you will get a pricey ticket!
There is a new parking alert this year. Beginning September 14^th the City of Oakland will require residential parking permits for streets on and between Colby and College and Alcatraz and Claremont. Only two hour parking will be allowed without a permit. According to the City of Oakland the fine will be $83 for offenders.
The Peralta Broadcast contacted the City Transportation and Services Division and an engineer pointed out that restricted parking around Claremont Middle School has been in effect for a few years without complaint.
The Peralta community encourages student families to walk and roll. When that isn’t possible the safety patrol facilitates safe drop offs. Park with caution, parents and guardians.
New Time for Student Dismissal
This first week of school was set as minimal days. Going forward Wednesday is a minimum day for Peralta and dismissal is at 1:30pm. Dismissal on other days is now 2:45pm.
4^th Graders Free at National Parks this year Thanks to the Every Kid in a Park initiative, all 4th graders and their families will be invited to visit our country’s outdoor treasures and historic sites anytime they like during the 2015-2016 school year…free of charge! http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=0ea568ff14&e=453c95996e
The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address (mailto:peraltabroadcast@peraltaschool.org?subject=Peralta%20Broadcast) .
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