Welcome to the November 4, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast!
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Time To Have A Meaningful Adult Conversation
Peralta Elementary is full of great kids and those great kids most likely have some great parents. For many parents the daily grind leaves little time to have a meaningful adult conversation with other great parents. This Saturday, Nov. 7th, presents a unique opportunity for adults with the Diversity Dinner.
"This is a community builder and not a fundraiser. We [parents] are so busy and there is so much that we do but it is hard to have more than a two minute conversation and this is the chance to talk and let the kids run around a play," says Peralta mom Eleanor Katari and co-char of the Diversity Unity Committee.
Designed as a community builder the Diversity Dinner celebrates the wealth of cultural heritage in Rockridge and is the only event that extends to the wider community. Giving people more to talk about than their jobs, the dinner gives people a chance to talk about where they come from and what it means .
People are required to bring one pot-luck dish to share and are encourage to dress up in fancy clothes or something meaningful to their culture.
No need for a babysitter, children will be entertained with arts and crafts, a photo booth and more. The event kicks off at 4:30pm on Saturday at Peralta, food is sever at 5:30 and a dance party begins at 7. DJ Denise will be spinning the hits and you may have noticed kids making song requests already on a school yard sign up poster.
"The Diversity Dinner is great for for new people or people that may not feel well integrated into the Peralta Family," concluded Katari.
Click here for more detail on volunteering. There will also be an effort to share the bounty with a canned food drive. People are asked to bring canned goods. (Preferred items: Canned meats and fish, Low-salt soups, stews and chili, Pasta and sauce, Beans and rice, Peanut butter, Cereal, Oatmeal.)
The Kindergartners Are Coming!
Beginning Nov. 17th, Peralta will be hosting parent-led kindergarten tours for prospective kindergarten parents. The tours will be 45 minutes long, starting at 9 am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays the following dates: Nov 17 & 18, Dec 1 & 2, Dec 8 & 19, Dec 15 & 16, Jan 5 & 6, Jan 12 & 13th. If you have children entering kindergarten next year, please call Peralta secretary Jan Seagren at (510) 654-7365 to sign up for a tour.
Also, mark your calendar for the Peralta Kindergarten Open House, Thurs, Nov. 12 at 6:30 pm in the Peralta Multi-Purpose Room (parents-only event).
Jazz at the Chimes - November 15
Jazz at the Chimes is an independently produced concert series sponsored by Chapel of the Chimes in Oakland featuring Bay Area talent. Concerts are held at the Chapel of the Chimes – a designated City of Oakland Landmark designed by Julia Morgan. (Did you know that Rockridge used to be known as the Chimes District?)
Check it out on Sunday, November 15th as Jazz at the Chimes welcomes virtuosic flutist John Calloway, along with Ken Cook on piano and Michaelle Goerlitz on percussion. They will present a potpourri of Caribbean, Jazz and Brazilian musical styles. Chapel of the Chimes 4499 Piedmont Ave. Oakland, CA Tickets: $15 general/$10 seniors & students - for concert & reception. Purchase tickets at the door. (Cash only) Ticket sales begin at 12:30pm; Doors open 1:30pm Limited seating! Info: 510-654-0123 (tel:510-654-0123) chimesjazz@gmail.com (mailto:chimesjazz@gmail.com)
The Chapel provides a visual backdrop and acoustic listening venue for live music in a setting like no other. The mission of the series is to honor the individual stories, unique artistry and personal contributions of the jazz artists who are a part of the diverse Bay Area community.
The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address (mailto:peraltabroadcast@peraltaschool.org?subject=Peralta%20Broadcast) .
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