Welcome to the October 9, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast!
No School October 16th - Broadcast Returns 10.23 - Pumpkin Spice Edition!
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What Comes Next? Choosing a Middle School
Public or private, choosing a middle school is no easy task. This coming Thursday, October 15th is Middle School Info Night for 5th grade families. The group will meet at 6:30 in the multi-purpose room.
The Price of Public vs. Private
For many people the choice between private and public will weigh with family finances. The Peralta Broadcast reached out to financial planner, Rick Prime of Prime Wealth Management in Berkeley for his thoughts. According to Prime, costs of middle school and high school are similar to what needs to be saved for college. Three years of private middle school and four years of private high school in the Rockridge area can cost $205,000; approximately $80,000 for private middle school and $125,000 for private high school. The cost of four years of college, including room and board, is $83,000 at Sonoma State; $120,000 at U.C. Berkeley; and $241,000 at Stanford. This ignores financial aid, variability in tuition between schools, and the fact that tuition costs are rising faster than inflation.
Prime chose to send his kids to Claremont Middle School and they now attend Oakland Tech. Prime gives a final opinion on the matter, "Financial aid or loans for college are usually available when needed, but the same is not true for retirement. Basically, if you're not on a smooth financial flight, secure your own oxygen mask first."
Claremont Middle School Open House
For many Peralta kids Claremont is the likely public option for the next step. Claremont’s Future Families Open House takes place on Saturday, Oct. 24, from 2 to 5 p.m. at 5750 College Ave., Oakland. Bring your future middle school student for a chance to visit 6th grade and elective classrooms, and to meet current Claremont students, parents, teachers and staff. The event will also include a students' scavenger hunt, a raffle, and an informal reception with light refreshments. Advance registration (optional) is online at: http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=0f377fc211&e=453c95996e. For the school tour schedule, visit http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=2ab20f7f25&e=453c95996e
Supt. Wilson to Discus School Assignments
Local education leaders are set to discuss how students are assigned to schools, equity and school quality. The local school budget will also be discussed on October 24th from 10-12 at Piedmont Avenue Elemenatary. Leading the discussion will be OUSD Superintendent Antwan Wilson and local school board member Jody London. The public is encouraged to attend.
You've Got Questions, Jan's Got Answers
Chances are you have already met Jan Seagren (Ms. Jan), the administrative assistant to Principal Costello.
"She is terrific," says Ms.Costello.
Ms. Jan is the mother of three and grandmother of four. She was the PTA President for Grass Valley Elementary in Oakland 21 years ago when she was offered a job as an OUSD administrative assistant. Four years ago she landed at Peralta.
Ms. Jan recalls her start at Peralta, "During my interview I asked Ms. Costello what she wanted me to do. She said, "Take care of the babies," and that is really a lot of what I do. I'm a school mom in many ways and I tend to many bloody noses and scrapped knees."
On a recent busy afternoon, Ms. Jan took a moment to explain what she likes most about her job. "Peralta is the best school I've been at. Everyone has the same goal to get the kids educated and have a good time."
Office Tips from Ms. Jan:
- Bring things to the office and check in - no wandering around campus
- Check backpacks! Forms and notes are in there
- When in doubt, call Jan and ask your question
Standardized Testing
All your questions will be answered by OUSD Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Devin Dillion Tuesday, October 27th. A community education night will be held at Montclair Elementary at 6pm regarding SBAC standardized testing. Participating schools include: Chabot, Cleveland, Crocker Highlands, Emerson, Hillcrest, Joaquin Miller, Kaiser, Montclair, Peralta, Piedmont Avenue and Thornhill.
There isn't any Halloween like a Rockridge Halloween
One of the best nights to be a kid is just around the corner. * The annual Pumpkins at Peralta will take place on Mon. Oct. 26th * Rockridge branch library hosts Not Too Spooky Night Halloween Stories and Treats Tues, Oct. 27th at 7pm. Kids come dressed in costume - best for ages 3-9 * The Peralta Halloween Parade will take place on Friday, Oct. 30th at 12:55PM * Halloween on Saturday, Oct. 31st
The Peralta Walk-A-Thon - October 25th
It is time for the annual Peralta Walk-A-Thon on Sunday October 25th. Be sure to start your fundraising, check your email for details and be sure to mark your calendar for a family fun event.
Rockridge Out and About - October 11th If you are a fan of pumpkins and such...A day of live music, street entertainment, gourmet food and more. From noon to 6PM, check out College Ave on Sunday October 11th. Check out the highlights by clicking here (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=a9776ad0d4&e=453c95996e) . Years past the event has been a big hit with the kids.
Raffle to Benefit Peralta
Also..Market Hall and Cole Hardware have put together a raffle to benefit nine OUSD schools: Chabot, Claremont, Emerson, Hillcrest, Kaiser, Oakland Tech, Peralta, Piedmont Avenue and Sankofa. Market Hall and Cole Hardware will each match up to $2500 in raffle tickets proceeds, for a combined fundraising opportunity of $7500. The matching is capped but grab a ticket with the chance to win: * Claremont Hotel Stay * Experience Rockridge Gift Pack * Restaurant and Spa Gift Certificates * Gift Baskets and More
Purchase tickets at the cheese counter in Market Hall or visit the booth on Sunday October 11th.
Shop with Heart at Ashby Lumber - October 24th
Before the rains hit - we hope - you may be planning some projects. Now is a good time to buy supplies, Ashby Lumber will give five percent of all sales at the Berkeley location to Peralta on Saturday, October 24th.
PizzaFest - October 17th
You know the saying, "You can't please all the people all the time - you aren't pizza." Well how about attending PizzaFest? On October 17th from 11 to 3 you can celebrate all things pizza at Gilman & 9th St. in Berkeley. Click here (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=8e1a92c4a2&e=453c95996e) for more details.
The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address (mailto:peraltabroadcast@peraltaschool.org?subject=Peralta%20Broadcast) .
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