Welcome to the October 10, 2014 edition of the Peralta Broadcast!
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- Saturday, Oct 11 Garden Fun Day
- Tues, Oct 11 Shoo the Flu
- Fri, Oct 17 Brewing Community
- Tues, Sept 23 3-5 Picture Day
- Sun, Oct 26 WALKATHON
The Walkathon (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=608c70d4ce&e=453c95996e) is the only 100% kid-powered fundraiser at Peralta – and one of the mightiest fundraisers of them all! Over the past five years, the Walkathon has raised more than $140,000 for arts, sports, field trips and classroom supports at Peralta. Last year, we raised an unprecedented $34,000!
Between now and October26th, canvas your neighborhood and comb your email contacts to reach out to friends and family and collect pledges for the Walkathon. On October 26th students will walk laps along the sidewalks surrounding the school (63rd Street, Telegraph Ave., Alcatraz Ave., and Dana Street).
Pledge money can be turned in on the day of the Walkathon or given to Ms. Sonia Spindt (in the library or in her box in the office) up to two weeks after the event.
Checks should be made out to the PPTG (Peralta Parent Teacher Group, tax ID number 94-2831259).
ONLINE DONATIONS (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=d4471811d4&e=453c95996e)
DOWNLOAD A PLEDGE FORM (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=f77cbd6653&e=453c95996e)
Come to Peralta between 9am-1pm for some gardening and fun.
As a bonus, we have a special Pruning Workshop scheduled!
This Pruning Workshop will be lead by Susanne, one of the garden coordinators. Susanne is a professional gardener with years of experience in pruning, trimming and tree maintenance (as well as Bay Friendly garden techniques and drought tolerant plants). She'll demonstrate cuts and trims, and will guide participants on how to determine the best place to make the cut, which angle to use, proper tool handling, etc. We'll practice on trees and bushes in the North Street gardens of Peralta. You may have noticed some of Susanne's skilled handiwork along the 63rd street walkway - she's got incredible talent for taking a poorly pruned shrub or tree and finding the best lines and cuts for optimum flow. Don't miss this opportunity to both help out at school, and learn a new skill.
The workshop will start at 10 am on Saturday. Bring your loppers, pruners, pole pruners, gloves, etc. - any tools you think will be useful (please label them well!).
We will have many other activities in addition to the Pruning Workshop, so feel free to come any time, for 20 min or 2 hours. All volunteers are appreciated - no experience necessary.
We will provide delicious Cole coffee and locally baked Acme bread, as well as other snacks. When: Saturday, Oct 11 from 9 am - 1 pm - Pruning Worshop with Susanne starts at 10 am! Where: Peralta Gardens Why: Help our gardens to thrive (and learn how to prune - taught by an expert!) Who: Anyone who wants to have fun, dig in the dirt, and contribute to warm, inviting campus environment What: Garden Work Day
Are you curious about what Ellen and the kids are cooking up at Peralta? Then you should check out The Peralta Kitchens blog (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=62308e3a26&e=453c95996e ) !
Didn't make it to the auction, and missed the signup for this fab party? Well, fear not! You can still get tickets.
Sunday Oct 12th Starry Plough 4-7pm $10 donation for adults kids free!
The Grateful Dads and BOPMTHYTBN (Band of Peralta Moms That Has Yet to Be Named) will be playing your favorite tunes.
There will be food and beer for purchase. Contact Darryl (mailto:beckercobb@comcast.net) with any questions.
All members of community are welcome and invited. Come if you are interested in a leadership role, or if you would just like to learn more the PPTG. Email pptgchair@peraltaschool.org (mailto:pptgchair@peraltaschool.org) for location
If you have a Target Red card you can enroll your account in a 1% cash back program for Peralta. You enroll your card online via your account. More info here! (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=6aaf3071b0&e=453c95996e)
Did you know? That if you shop at Amazon using our PPTG affiliate link (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=fb47aff718&e=453c95996e) that we can earn up to 10% on all of your purchases!
Start shopping at Amazon » (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=943cc75490&e=453c95996e)
Equity Committee Movie series kicks off next Tuesday with Neurotypical. An unprecedented exploration of autism from the point of view of autistic people themselves. How they and the people around them work out their perceptual and behavioral differences becomes a remarkable reflection of the "neurotypical" world — the world of the non-autistic — revealing inventive adaptations on each side and an emerging critique of both what it means to be normal and what it means to be human.
Movie Trailer: http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=d3f6d2bc73&e=453c95996e When: Tuesday, October 14th Where: The New Parkway Theater, 474 24th Street, Oakland, CA 94612 (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=92162c241a&e=453c95996e) Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Hope you join us for a FREE movie and snacks. The New Parkway has a full dinner menu. You can enjoy dinner at your seats while you watch the movie. FREE babysitting provided (signup sheet to follow soon). We look forward to seeing you!
The New Parkway: The New Parkway Theater - Oakland's beloved picture pizza pub for movies, food & drink, and good clean fun. (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=255c724d20&e=453c95996e)
School Board Director Jody London invites you to a North Oakland COMMUNITY MEETING
Superintendent Antwan Wilson
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Chabot Elementary School 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 6686 Chabot Road, Oakland, California
Meet our new Superintendent!
Learn about Oakland’s education priorities
Provide your ideas
Compare notes with other public school supporters
Childcare available
Please contact the Chabot Office at 510‐654‐4884 to reserve a spot for your child
For more information and to RSVP, email HERE (mailto:Jody.London@ousd.k12.ca.us) .
FORUM ON EDUCATION IN THE OAKLAND ELECTIONS Join us for Education in the Oakland Elections, a free event hosted by Great Oakland Public Schools, to hear from mayoral candidates about their plans for education, and learn about other education races and initiatives.
When: Thursday, October 16th from 6 – 8 PM Where: The Waterfront Hotel Regatta Room, 473 Water Street Oakland 94607 Reception to follow at GO Public Schools offices across the street.
Attendees will: - Hear first-hand from mayoral candidates about their education platforms. - Get a student perspective on Measure N: College and Career Access for All (endorsed by GO Public Schools and many education leaders and PTAs (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=6cc28a777a&e=453c95996e) ). - Learn more about the school board candidates endorsed by GO Public Schools (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=e73d5510c9&e=453c95996e) .
To participate in this event, please RSVP at http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=f97b8577fd&e=453c95996e. Questions? Please contact Antmen Mendoza at 510-868-8800 (tel:510-868-8800) .
As our children’s use of technology increases, so do our concerns about its implications. Of particular interest is “cyberbullying,” which can range from mean text messages or emails to embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. Left unaddressed cyberbullying can have serious negative consequences for our children, including skipping school, low-self-esteem and poor grades.
To help us better understand how we can teach our kids to be good people in the digital age and avoid things like cyberbullying is award-winning author and parent educator Annie Fox. Annie will help parents develop guidelines for how to structure their children’s media use and to respond meaningfully if cyberbullying occurs. She will also share her recommendations about how we can foster a community of compassion and respect to reduce cyberbullying. Copies of her latest best-selling book, Teaching Kids to be Good People will also be available.
Thursday, November 20th Multipurpose Room 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Chabot Campus 6686 Chabot Rd Oakland, CA 94618
- Cycle, stroll, discover, skate and play in the streets this Sunday (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=c07a91e081&e=453c95996e) . No cars allowed!
- This heat wave doesn’t look to be letting up. Head to the Splash Park (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=6141175fd5&e=453c95996e) to cool off.
- Drop the kids off at Golden Bear Rec Center (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=9a276c8d85&e=453c95996e) for an evening of gymnastics fun while YOU go on a date.
- Get cooking with Williams-Sonoma (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=9fad0880d5&e=453c95996e) . This Saturday waffles are on the menu. Tasty.
- Explore the Exploratorium (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=c6b2900d3e&e=453c95996e) for FREE.
- Music, circus performances, and food are on the agenda for Rockridge’s Out and About Festival (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=7f1d41007c&e=453c95996e) this weekend.
- Hike to pancakes in Marin (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=93fa6ba7ff&e=453c95996e) . Live music and scenic views included.
- SF Fleet Week (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=7d023a9d06&e=453c95996e) is all weekend (plus Monday). Blue Angels flying over the Golden Gate? We're there!
- Still looking for the perfect Halloween costume? Head over to Alameda’s Color Me Mine (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=d7c059b090&e=453c95996e) for a costume swap.
- Hit the food trucks. They’ll be in Emeryville (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=3b0b03043c&e=453c95996e) on Saturday and Berkeley (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=e0f9791bbb&e=453c95996e) on Sunday.
- Plus lots more fun! Check our calendar (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=b7017ff73f&e=453c95996e) for a Pow Wow (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=2b52d7b890&e=453c95996e) , yoga classes, farmers’ markets, music classes and more.
A costume swap at Color Me Mine in Alameda is already happening. When you drop off your costume (during business hours from now until October 11th), you will receive a Free Studio Time Coupon and a Costume Voucher. You will bring back the Costume Voucher on Saturday, October 11th, between 6pm and 8pm and pick out your costume. Details here (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=4cab48822e&e=453c95996e) .
Craft session at Michael’s Craft Stores (Emeryville and Pinole) invite parents to put their kids in a Halloween-themed craft activity for $2 while they shop the store. Drop-in between 10 am and 11:30 on Saturdays: Make a paper doll mummy on Saturday, October 11; a paper Frankenstein mask on Saturday, October 18; decorate a Trick Or Treat tote bag on Saturday, October 25. (Read our review of Michael’s stores drop-in crafts (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=e427ad4224&e=453c95996e) .)
October Toddler Ramble at Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center. Focus on creatures like snakes, spiders, and bats. You’ll see: they’re not so scary! Friday, October 17th and Friday October 24 at 10:30 am (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=4d6af6a7ca&e=453c95996e) .
Movies in the Park: The Addams Family at Redwood Heights Rec Center Fun starts at 6 and film starts around 7. Friday night, October 17.
Bay Area Discovery Museum’s Goblin Jamboree. Bring the whole family in costume to explore all the fun at the Bay Area Discovery Museum’s Goblin Jamboree Family Fundraiser. Experience the Museum as it’s transformed into a spooktacular Halloween wonderland complete with Witches and Wizards school, pony rides, petting zoo, live entertainment and much more.Saturday, October 18 & Sunday, October 19, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. $16 (Museum members $13). Children under 6 months free.Details are here> (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=01feabb546&e=453c95996e)
Baby’s First Halloween Event at ToysRUs/BabiesRUs. Saturday, October 18 from 10-11 am at all stores. Details here. (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=190d2f0e3b&e=453c95996e)
Family Halloween Story Time for 3-7 year olds at North Berkeley library (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=50caa086ff&e=453c95996e) on Wednesday, October 22 from 3.30 to 4 pm.
Haunted House in Alameda at the South Shore Center put on by Alameda Teens for kids 5+ on October 24. Details (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=7f71833e7c&e=453c95996e) .
Grandparent/Grandchild Gretel Candy Houses Workshops at Habitot on Friday, October 24 • 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Grandparents and grandchildren will build and decorate a Hansel & Gretel-style Halloween house. Costumes welcome! This event is FREE to Grandparent Circle Charter Members. $29/Child for other grandparent circle members. Registration required at habitotreservations@lmi.net (mailto:habitotreservations@lmi.net) or call 510-647-1111 ×14.
Halloween Cookie Decorating – In this free Junior Chef class at William Sonoma at Bay Street, kids will be decorating delicious Halloween cookies with spooky and fun designs. Suitable for ages 5-13, kids are welcome to preview their costume! 9.30 am on Saturday, October 25.
Parent’s Night Out Halloween Party at Bay Island Gymnastics from 5 to 8:30 PM. $40 for gym members; $45 for non-members. $5 sibling discount. Call 510.533.3939 to reserve a spot. Dinner for kids is provided.
Barnes and Noble, El Cerrito and Bay Street: 11 am Halloween-themed story time on Saturday the 25th will include treats and a reading of Click, Clack, Boo! A Tricky Treat.
Boo at the Zoo is when the Oakland Zoo invites you to trick or treat on October 25th and October 26th. Kids in costumes get free train rides.
Halloween activities at Lawrence Hall of Science: Meet scaly, slimy animals during regular museum hours all weekend (Oct 25 + 26) and design a robot that can drop things into a witches cauldron from 11 to 3 on Saturday the 25th.
Piedmont Pumpkin Festival with Piedmont Avenue parade into Mountain View Cemetery onSaturday October 25 at noon (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=7bb51cbf58&e=453c95996e) .
Skeletonfest at the Richmond Art Center (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=2179e6886f&e=453c95996e) invites kids to participate in all kinds of arts and crafts with skeleton and Day of the Dead themes on Saturday the 25th.
Jack O’Lantern Jamboree at Oakland’s Children’s Fairyland on Saturday and Sunday (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=b5b4743b95&e=453c95996e) invites costumed kids to pick up treats and partake in parades while they visit the park. Price is $10 for non-members and $5 for members.
Pumpkin Patch Dash Race on Sunday, October 26th in the morning location coming soon – in past years this event has been at MLK Track or Grove Park. Kids can win prizes from Berkeley Rec. Face painting and other amusements will be on hand. Click through for race times for each age group (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=63bc2287ff&e=453c95996e) .
Rock out to a costumed kids’ band at Ashkenaz in Berkeley as part of their Silly Sundays concert series on Sunday the 27th (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=e25a880a64&e=453c95996e) .
Halloween and Dia de los Muertos craft session at the South Branch of the Berkeley public library will take place after school on October 29th (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=776e87edb9&e=453c95996e) for kids 6+
The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Catherine Kelly at this address (mailto:peraltabroadcast@peraltaschool.org?subject=Peralta%20Broadcast) .
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