Welcome to the September 11, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast!

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When a Tree Falls

As you may have noticed, the large Ash tree in the garden area was removed over the weekend. Although the tree was beloved by many for shade and beauty, it had significant scarring and was becoming a safety hazard as limbs had begun to fall off. The roots were also causing problems with the irrigation system and more than their fair share of scraped knees as kids tripped on the raised portions. Removal of the tree and roots was part of a series of garden improvements planned for this year funded by private grants and donations.

Safety aside, the children have voiced their concerns on cutting a tree down. Ms. Costello is planning to issue a letter to students explaining why the tree has been removed and ask what they would like to see happen with the garden. Ms. Costello tells us that kids have requested student representation on the garden committee.

Desires for the garden include: the area leveled and sowed with meadow grass, a new tree planted and more planter boxes with edible foods.

Eat What You Sow

With garden planning taking place, it was announced this week that Peralta is the recipient of the Edible School Garden Grant. Ms. Gabby, who teaches gardening at P.E.A.C.E., will lead the fulfillment of the grant which seeks to promote a culture of sharing food. Students and parents can expect to see the installation of more planter boxes and should the El Nino rains hit – a bumper crop could potentially lead to food grown in the garden being served at the Peralta lunch salad bar!

Hoes Up! Get Involved

Garden Work Day tomorrow (Sat 9/12): Come out and help around the garden during the year's first Garden Work Day. People will be out there from 9am - 1 pm, but folks are welcome for any portion of the time they are able. Cole Coffee and snacks will be provided by the 5th grade hosts. Bring your kids (they love to run around) and your garden gloves! See you tomorrow!

Peralta Fund


The Peralta Fund has set a goal of 80 percent participation. New numbers should be coming soon. Right now it is believed that the fund has crossed over 50 percent participation.

In addition to the garden, the Peralta Fund is crucial to helping pay for teacher materials.The PPTG fund provided checks to all the teachers on campus at Back To School Night. "I've worked at schools where we didn't have this kind of parent support, and it feels like this amazing privilege to be at a place that when I need something for my students I can ask for it and usually receive it. Everything we take for granted here at Peralta we have to go without at other schools," said Susan Killebrew, 4th grade teacher.

Marie Steward, 3rd grade teacher commented, "The Peralta Fund allows me to go to book stores to pick out read-alouds to the class, which I love to do. I can do things with my students that I wouldn't be as inclined to do if I had to pay for it out-of-pocket."

Principal's Report

Ms. Costello delivered the Principal’s Report on Wednesday at the first PPTG meeting of the school year. Working with teachers and staff is the emphasis for 2015-2016, with a goal to meet the needs of all children, reported Costello. Soon Costello and team will begin earthquake and disaster planning for Peralta. Another highlight of the Report – test scores. Test scores from mandatory testing in the higher grades will be released soon. Word on the street – the numbers for Peralta are good.

Say Cheese - Picture Day

Roots & Shoots Photography will be taking individual and class portraits again this year. Save the dates:

Monday, September 28^th (grades K-2) & Wednesday, September 30^th (grades 3-5) Make-up day is scheduled for Thursday, November 19^th (all grades).

Please keep an eye out for posters and order forms in mid-September. Forms along with payment, are due on picture day.

Parking Alert Update!

Look out! Monday is the start of restricted parking on streets around Peralta. Unless you have a parking permit you will receive an $83 fine for parking more than two hours.

City Councilmember for District One, Dan Kalb commented, “You are correct that parking can be tight in the neighborhood within a few blocks of the school. That is why residents in some neighborhoods have petitioned to have restricted parking during weekday hours. Because most of the streets closest to Peralta remain unrestricted, I’m hoping that this will not cause problems with teachers, teacher aides, and parents who are volunteering at the school.”

According to Kalb, The following streets will remain free from RPP restrictions: · 63^rd Street from Colby to Racine · 62^nd Street from Colby to Racine · 61^st Street from Colby to Racine · 60^th Street from Colby to Racine · North Street from Racine to the School · North Street from Dana to Colby · Dana from Alcatraz to 63^rd Street · Canning from 63^rd Street to 58^th Street · 65^th Street from Telegraph to Dana.

For residents of the streets requiring permits – ticketing begins on Monday. Visitor parking passes are $9 a day. Although Kalb tells us he is preparing a proposal to reduce the daily visitor parking pass fee down to $5. Yet, many residents are calling for free visitor parking passes.

Girls on the Run

Girls on the Run is an after-school program that inspires girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Girls in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades are invited to join a team at Lake Merritt. Each practice consists of a discussion-based lesson, active games, and a running workout. The curriculum has 3 parts: getting girls to understand themselves, value teamwork, and understand how they can influence the world. At the end of the season, the team is physically and emotionally prepared to complete the Girls on the Run 5k in Golden Gate Park. Check out the website at www.gotrbayarea.org (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=26ddbf7e34&e=453c95996e)

Girls Leadership - Parent-Daughter Workshops in October

Girls Leadership offers a series of courses for girls and their parents to build emotional intelligence. In this workshop, parent-daughter pairs learn about identifying healthy relationships, finding their voices, and communicating more effectively. In October, Girls Leadership will be hosting a four-part series of workshops at Chabot for fourth and fifth grade girls and their parent. To learn more about the class, including information about scholarships, follow this link (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=8f8caed55a&e=453c95996e) . The registration states that registration is currently private, but can be completed by entering the code Chabot 2345.

Oaktoberfest - October 3rd

Oaktoberfest celebrates the history, the flavors, and the people of the Bay Area. Oakland’s Dimond District hosts this one-of-a-kind Fall Festival (combining Oktoberfest with Oakland), welcoming thousands with craft beer & food, entertainment, arts, and ecology. The Dimond continues a tradition as an entertainment destination, begun in the early 1900’s when Beer Gardens and German vacation resorts lined the boulevard. Oaktoberfest will bring world-class beer to the tented beer hall, serving steins of traditional German flavors and regional brew pub favorites. Check out the website at: http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=20bbccf3ba&e=453c95996e (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=f9ab62ebf3&e=453c95996e)

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address (mailto:peraltabroadcast@peraltaschool.org?subject=Peralta%20Broadcast) .


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