Welcome to the September 18, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast!
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- Sept 21-25 Sonia's Book Fair
- Sept 28 & 30 Fall Picture Days
- Oct 25 Walk-A-Thon
- Nov 7 Diversity Unity Dinner 4-8pm
- March 5, 2016 Peralta's Annual Auction
- May 14, 2016 Peralta in Bloom
Peralta Reels in Kids With Book Hook
"Not another fundraiser!," scream parents. Rest assured that the Peralta Broadcast dug in and has confirmation that the upcoming book fair is focused on getting kids hooked on books.
Librarian Ms. Sonia will guide the younger grades to pick books they can read and good books that can be read to them. "I discourage buying a $20 Lego book unless we feel that a parent has approved in some way," said Ms. Sonia. While it can't be guaranteed, Ms. Sonia works to encourage kids to buy the right books and goes so far as to not put out many of the toys book companies may send along for purchase. Although, people can expect there will be some pencils and erasers.
"For some kids this might be their first shopping experience and it is fun to see them get a sense of value," said Ms. Sonia.
The library is great but nice shiny books do have a certain appeal and proceeds do benefit Peralta Elementary via the PPTG fund.
How it works
The Book Fair starts Tuesday Sept. 22nd and runs through Friday, Sept. 25th. Kids can shop during the lunch recess. Parents can send cash with their kids or write a check for a set amount made out to PPTG. Ms. Sonia encourages parents to review shopping with kids prior, using the flier sent home or online at www.scholastic.com/fair
Parents can shop with their kids or shop for their kids as a surprise between 2:45 and 3:30 next week.
Want to know more about how to make the most of the Book Fair experience? Check out www.scholastic.com/bookfairs/family
A Peralta Legacy of Love
It is likely the first face you see in your Peralta experience. Ms. Sonia is the longest serving educator at Peralta and one of her many duties is conducting incoming Kindergarten evaluations.
"I love meeting Kindergarteners in the summer. They are so cute. That is my favorite part of the job," says Ms. Sonia.
She is the mother of three sons - all Peralta alumni. Ms. Sonia and family moved to the Rockridge neighborhood in the mid-70's, where she has walked two and half blocks to Peralta ever since. In the 60's and 70's she taught 3rd, 4th and 5th grades in Los Angeles and Richmond. Taking some time for motherhood she joined Peralta the same year her youngest son started Kindergarten at Peralta in 1988. Those boys today remain rooted in the Bay working as an attorney, a researcher and a law professor. Ms. Sonia recently became a grandmother to a little girl named Natasha - who now occupies her Mondays.
"I like that my kids went here. It means so much to me and I love the community spirit and kids," said Ms. Sonia.
You may know her as the librarian and Kindergarten tester but she also runs the Math Olympics and works with kids who need extra attention, while also overseeing all of Peralta's testing. In case you're wondering this position is funded by Title I funds and the PPTG.
"I'm known by the school for my longevity and working with all the kids. I hope that I bring a connection to our history and love of this special school," concluded Ms. Sonia.
Want to get to know more about Ms. Sonia? Say Hi to her at the Book Fair next week!
Peralta Fund
The Peralta Fund has set a goal of 80 percent participation. With just one week to go the school is at 67 percent. Here is the class breakdown: * Calica 71% - Need 2 families * Behrsin 79% - Need 1 family * Arbogast 69% - Need 2 families * Davis 71% - Need 2 familles * Lucker 71% - Need 2 families * Larson 79% - Need 1 family * Calquhoun 67% - Need 4 families * Stewart 59% - Need 5 families * Bandy 70% - Need 2 families * Killebrew 65% - Need 4 families * Ana Thomas 62% - Need 5 families * Kemp 57% - Need 7 families * Rogers 53% - Need 8 families
Got Fruit Trees?
The after school class and during school cooking program will gladly use any extra fruit or produce from your yard and garden. Please leave it in the staff lunch room or office.
Say Cheese - Picture Day
Roots & Shoots Photography will be taking individual and class portraits again this year. Save the dates:
Monday, September 28^th (grades K-2) & Wednesday, September 30^th (grades 3-5) Make-up day is scheduled for Thursday, November 19^th (all grades).
Please keep an eye out for posters and order forms in mid-September. Forms along with payment, are due on picture day.
Boy Scouts of America Now Meet Local Standards
Local mom of cub scouts, Ryann Cheung reports that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have now caught up to local standards of being inclusive to all. The local Pack 274 has just held their first meeting of the year.
"If BSA policy has been holding you back from joining, now is the time to join! We welcome all new scouts, regardless of grade in school," says Cheung.
Those interested can contact Alison Wellsfry at Wellsfry36@yahoo.com
Shop with Heart at Ashby Lumber
Before the rains hit - we hope - you may be planning some projects. Now is a good time to buy supplies, Ashby Lumber will give five percent of all sales at the Berkeley location to Peralta on Saturday, September 24th.
Girls Leadership - Parent-Daughter Workshops in October
Girls Leadership offers a series of courses for girls and their parents to build emotional intelligence. In this workshop, parent-daughter pairs learn about identifying healthy relationships, finding their voices, and communicating more effectively. In October, Girls Leadership will be hosting a four-part series of workshops at Chabot for fourth and fifth grade girls and their parent. To learn more about the class, including information about scholarships, follow this link (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=eb2de47cf0&e=453c95996e) . The registration states that registration is currently private, but can be completed by entering the code Chabot 2345.
Oaktoberfest - October 3rd
Oaktoberfest celebrates the history, the flavors, and the people of the Bay Area. Oakland’s Dimond District hosts this one-of-a-kind Fall Festival (combining Oktoberfest with Oakland), welcoming thousands with craft beer & food, entertainment, arts, and ecology. The Dimond continues a tradition as an entertainment destination, begun in the early 1900’s when Beer Gardens and German vacation resorts lined the boulevard. Oaktoberfest will bring world-class beer to the tented beer hall, serving steins of traditional German flavors and regional brew pub favorites. Check out the website at: http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=d94fe4c1f8&e=453c95996e (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=15d56e532b&e=453c95996e)
The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address (mailto:peraltabroadcast@peraltaschool.org?subject=Peralta%20Broadcast) .
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