Welcome to the September 25, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast!

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  • Sept 28 & 30 Fall Picture Days
  • Sept 29 6-8 Diversity Unity Meeting
  • Oct 7 International Walk/Roll to School Day
  • Oct 10 Garden Work/Play Day
  • Oct 25 Walk-A-Thon
  • Nov 7 Diversity Unity Dinner 4-8pm
  • March 5, 2016 Peralta's Annual Auction
  • May 14, 2016 Peralta in Bloom


Peralta Fund Hits Goooooooal!

The Peralta Fund 2015 has reached its goal of 80 percent for the whole school.

Chair of the Peralta Fund for 2015, Katherine Day reports, “In fact, our wonderful community has worked together and we have actually reached 82 percent participation and we have raised over $136,000 for the benefit of all our Peralta kids!”

Giving to the Peralta Fund helps carry on a parent-initiated tradition that has helped Peralta grow into what it is today.

Parents Matt Burry and Tamar Schnepp founded the Peralta Fund in the 2001-02 school year. Then parent Marguerite Young joined them the following year and helped to set up the online giving system that is still in use today.

“These innovative parents realized that our community works hard together, with everyone doing what they can. The Peralta Fund’s 'give-what-you-can' philosophy has been part of the campaign since the very beginning,” said Day.

"From the very beginning, the program has always emphasized asking everybody in the school to consider a contribution (if you aren't asked, it's hard to say yes!), that people give what they can, and that ongoing monthly giving should be supported because it's a way for people's small contributions to add up in a big way," co-founder Matt Burry commented.

A big congratulations to all supporters of Peralta.

Missing: Peralta Salad Bar

The famous Peralta salad bar is missing! Valerie (or 'Val') the new lunch program leader isn't equipped to handle vegetable preparation without parent involvement.

The school lunches currently consist of pre-packaged meals wrapped mostly in plastic. For Peralta kids to get a crack at some fresh fruit and veggies during the noon hour, parents will need to assemble.

Leading the parent effort: Zoe Gladstone. The Peralta Broadcast reached out to Zoe to ask a few questions on just how volunteering at the salad bar works.

Q: When does a person work at the salad bar? A: I'll contact you to work out the best days and frequency for you, based on your availability.

Q: What do salad bar volunteers do? A: Short answer--I will train you and let you know all the food service protocols and daily routine.

A: Long answer: OUSD provides the fruit and veggies--they are delivered to the school weekly. You will come to school around 11:15 or so, go to the kitchen (off the room where the PPTG meeting is held), chop some veggies, put them out in the salad bar, help kids move through the salad bar line, then compost leftovers and wash up. Done by 1 pm.

Q: When does the salad bar start?

A: Short answer: in the next few weeks. I will let you know as soon as Valerie tells me she's ready.

A: Long answer: Valerie is the new person in charge of the lunch program at Peralta. Since she is brand-new to this position, it is taking her a little while longer to sort out all the details of how the salad bar will work this year.

Q: Do people need to do anything special to prepare to volunteer?

A: Yes! All OUSD volunteers will need to register on the OUSD online volunteerportal and get a TB test.

How to Volunteer

If you've already registered to be an OUSD volunteer, you're good. If not, register here (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=1248da8bd9&e=453c95996e) :


If you have already submitted a negative TB test to OUSD, it's good for 4 years.

If you need to upload a negative TB test (must be within the past 6 months) go here (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=7a0cad91d8&e=453c95996e) :

For more information and to sign up people can leave a note for Zoe in the office.

Meet Val

Val isn't new to lunch programs. She has worked in OUSD schools cooking and serving for years. Over the last two summers Val worked as a custodian at Peralta and got to know the faculty and staff. She points to the positive culture of Peralta as her main attraction to the job. Get to know Val better by volunteering in the lunch room.

MONDAY! Time to Say Cheese, Get a Haircut and Put On that New Shirt - Picture Day This Week!

Roots & Shoots Photography will be taking individual and class portraits again this year.

Monday, September 28^th (grades K-2) & Wednesday, September 30^th (grades 3-5) Make-up day is scheduled for Thursday, November 19^th (all grades).

Order forms went with kids this week. It was in a package also containing information on the flu (more on that next week.) Forms along with payment, are due on picture day.

What to Say to Kids - OPD Safety Alert

Last week the Berkeley Police Department (BPD) put out a safety alert that came as a startling reminder to parents to talk about safety with kids. According to reports two students walking to a Berkeley middle school were approached by a stranger and asked to get into a van. The students ran to school and alerted teachers who notified the police. Later a similar incident was reported near another school. Peralta Elementary was included in the safety alert. Peralta teachers and staff responded to the alert by reminding students to avoid strangers.

While the community relies on school to teach children many things - the Oakland Police Department (OPD) reminds parents that they must talk to their children. What to say to K-5 graders? The Peralta Broadcast reached out to Officer Kenny Ip, Youth and Safety for OPD.

"I always tell children to never help anyone they don't know, Never help anyone look for a cat or dog. Strange adults should never ask kids for help or directions" says Ip.

Parents likely spend a lot of effort telling their children to "be nice." So Ip's tips may seem strange to kids.

Here are some safety rules for kids provided by OPD: * It is best to tell your child these safety rules from an early age. Explain that some adult behavior is not okay. * Stay away from people who call to you from a car even if the person offers a "fun" experience or asks you for directions. If you go near the car you may be grabbed and taken away. * Don't go with an adult who says your parent or caretaker needs you somewhere else. Check with your teacher or principal first. * If someone tries to take you away, YELL “This is not my father (or mother)” and KEEP YELLING very loudly. Knock things over if you can, so that people will notice something bad is happening. * If you get lost in a store, go to the checkout counter right away. Do not wander around or go with a stranger. * If someone tries to bother you, always tell your mom or dad or guardian. * Don’t let anyone touch you in the parts of your body that your bathing suit covers. And you should not touch anybody else in those places either. Don't be ashamed to tell if that happens. * Don’t let anyone take your picture outside school unless your mom, dad, or guardian says it's okay.

For more information or tips from OPD, visit their site. (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=e231234499&e=453c95996e)

Shop with Heart at Ashby Lumber - October 24th

Before the rains hit - we hope - you may be planning some projects. Now is a good time to buy supplies, Ashby Lumber will give five percent of all sales at the Berkeley location to Peralta on Saturday, October 24th.

Cole Coffee Turns 10 with Party - September 27th

Sunday, September 27th Cole Coffee turns 10 years old. From 1-5 pm the community coffee shop will host a customer appreciation celebration with live music and free coffee. Cole has been a big supporter of Peralta Elementary over the years and we wish them well.

Oaktoberfest - October 3rd

Oaktoberfest celebrates the history, the flavors, and the people of the Bay Area. Oakland’s Dimond District hosts this one-of-a-kind Fall Festival (combining Oktoberfest with Oakland), welcoming thousands with craft beer & food, entertainment, arts, and ecology. The Dimond continues a tradition as an entertainment destination, begun in the early 1900’s when Beer Gardens and German vacation resorts lined the boulevard. Oaktoberfest will bring world-class beer to the tented beer hall, serving steins of traditional German flavors and regional brew pub favorites. Check out the website (http://peraltaschool.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c1e8ec8a4cc5f87a6964cac9&id=c72bb3a459&e=453c95996e) .

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address (mailto:peraltabroadcast@peraltaschool.org?subject=Peralta%20Broadcast) .


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