Peralta Broadcast, reimagined. World, pretty much the same.

29nov2016 Even though we seem to be mad at FB these days ( Follow on Twitter ( ... unless we're mad at Twitter, too? Forward to someone ( who needs a little something to brighten their month FULL CALENDAR ( * Nov 28-Dec 2: Minimum days EVERY DANG DAY this week, due to parent-teacher conferences. * Dec. 2: Unicycle to school day. JK. Get to school any way you can, but there will be goodies for those who come in a human-powered way. * Dec 7: Dinner + a PPTG Meeting. Dinner @ 6pm, Meeting at 6:30pm, Childcare provided. I was tempted to add exclamation points here but I didn't want to use up my lifetime allotment. I'm saving them for when it really counts. * Dec 10: The holidays are upon us, with their relentless demands to party. Don't be a stick in the mud. Instead, come stick your hands in the mud. Garden Workday, 9am-1pm, come for whatever part of that you can/want to. Open to all, hosted by our friends, the 1st grade families. That's me. * Dec 19-Jan 2: Forewarned is forearmed. Winter break. “The Lupine Lady lives in a small house overlooking the sea.”

Which classic children's story opens with this line? First person to send the correct answer to this address (!) wins a personal reply — from me — and... a Peralta mug. Because I just can't find the bumperstickers.

Previous answer: Happy to be Nappy, by bell hooks Winner: No one. Editorial Comment: Wow. Maybe Read Me is losing its luster? Or we all have some catch up reading to do. We'll see how it goes this week.

Next issue should come out Dec 13th. (which also happens to be the 7th anniversary of my kid's birth). Around 2pm (Broadcast, not birth). That will be the last issue before Winter Break. Then you're on your own until next year. Stay strong. Be a force for good.

I know you have a lot on your mind. Like, what the heck is going on in the 4th grade? I was wondering that myself, so I went and found out for you.

Fast Times in Portable E with the Cool Kids

What do we have to thank for giving us Susan Killebrew, one of Peralta’s top-notch 4th grade teaching team? A stint in the Peace Corps in Niger. On her path to medical school, Ms. Killebrew was both working in a nutritional recuperation clinic and contributing to a health education program that took her into the schools.

That’s where it hit her — she absolutely needed to be a teacher. The idea wasn’t foreign — she had always wanted to teach, for the possibilities the profession offered for forming relationships with students — much more so than medicine.

“I was known as one of the “smart girls,” she explained, “so it was expected that I would go into medicine or law.” When she shared her new vocational plans with family and friends, reactions ranged from mixed to tepid. “My dad was OK with it. My grandma was not. My well-meaning friends said, ‘Oh, it’s just a temporary thing,’ certain I’d go on to choose a more prestigious career.”

Twenty five years as a public school teacher later, we can all see where that went.

Now in her 5th year as a full-time classroom teacher and her 13th year at Peralta, Ms. Killebrew has settled happily in to 4th grade. “4th graders are the coolest people in the world,” she informed me. “They’re the perfect cocktail of optimism plus critical thinking. They get your jokes, but they’re not too jaded to laugh at them.”

Ms. Killebrew has big plans for the coolest people in the world. In the spring, they’re going to be developing museums of native California. They will then invite other classes to take field trips to tour these museums. “It’s California history, a subject I love teaching, infused with a ‘maker’ spirit. A lot of art, plus writing.”

She’s also hoping to put on another class play, this time taking the Peralta family, one of the original colonial families in California, as the subject. In 1820, the Spanish Governor gave what we now know as the East Bay to Luís María Peralta, who in turn divided it between his four sons. The impact of that colonial gesture radically altered life in the East Bay for many groups of people.

“Plays give my students a sense of agency and ownership over the topic. Kids can see the multiple stories in any situation.” Ms. Killebrew will be asking her students to do just that — to critically consider the Peralta family from different points of view, including those of:

• the native Californians, whose lives were destroyed, and whose labor made the Peralta family's economic success possible

• the Californios — the California-born sons and daughters of the first generation of Spanish and Mexican colonial settlers

• the 49ers, who grew impatient with the Californios, viewing them as impediments to progress

As I left Ms. Killebrew in Portable E, she returned to supervising the raucous “fish crew” —students who volunteered to stay after school to clean the five fish tanks her class is using to test variables in aquatic ammonia levels. In Ms. Killebrew’s class, it’s not just the students who benefit from her impassioned approach — even the goldfish will live better lives.


Kittens, kittens, kittens. It's always kittens on the web, isn't it? Until now. Oh, were you expecting pictures of your kids? Yeah, we've got that, too — see below. But first, let's put some names to the furry doggie faces you see at drop off and pickup.


And Now, Pictures of your kids

See, no need to worry. They're here, in all their glory. I aim to please.

If you've got school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with your fellow Peralta-ites, or if you just need to distract yourself from current events in our country, please do contact me ( . I publish every two weeks or so. Kudos, complaints and scintillating ideas for future posts can go to the same. I devour and respond to all my email.

** Twitter ( | ** Facebook ( | ** forward to a friend who won't get mad at you for forwardin ( g Copyright © 2016 Peralta Elementary School. All rights reserved. For example, the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petitition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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Peralta Broadcast, reimagined. 8 nov 2016 Revolutionize the way you procrastinate, TODAY! ( Because regular long-form blogging is tedious ( and leads to fully formed ideas Sure, forward ( this. But who does that? FULL CALENDAR ( * Nov 11: Veterans Day. Not to be confused with Memorial Day. Not to be confused with a day when your children are in school, either. 3-day weekend. * Nov 14 Could it be possible to give enough thanks to your child's teachers? Don't answer that. Rhetorical question. Teacher Thanksgiving — FYI, it's catered, so no food donations requested, but personal thanks are always welcome. * Nov 15, 8pm: Inaugural meeting of the Racial Justice Study Group. For more info, contact Jonathan Osler ( or Ellie Wohlfeiler ( . * Nov 18, after drop off Caffeine-fueled cheery chitty chat at the 63rd entrance. Brewing Community. Again. The community that brews together stays together. * Nov 21-25: full week of agony. Thanks to Thanksgiving, your kids do not have school, but you probably do have work. Sigh. * Nov 28-Dec 2: holy crap, it's December already. Also, full week of semi-agony. Minimum day week. Yes, all week, pickup at 1:30.

Next issue may come out Nov 22nd, or we may delay a week Because of the Thanksgiving Break that means our little dirt spreaders will be free and so will I, your favorite editor

And now for something completely different

We're moving this over today. Just because. Next issue, it'll probably go back to its usual hovel, on the bottom of the left sidebar. But today — Election Day — we're getting crazy, mixing things up ...

“Girlpie hair smells clean and sweet,”

Which classic children's book opens with this line? First person to send the correct answer to this address (!) wins a personal reply — from me — and... a Peralta bumper sticker. Full disclosure: I am shockingly behind on bumper sticker distribution. It's not for lack of good faith. It's because I'm having trouble finding them. But I know they're in there, somewhere, in the PPTG Closet of Destiny.

Previous answer: Holes, by Louis Sachar Winner: Rueben Maness

Time it took: 7 short minutes

Diversity Dinner, a love story in pictures

Photos again courtesy of David Weber ( , who is a much better photographer than me. More pictures ( of you and your kids from the Diversity Dinner will be available for about a month.

You never write. You never call. And still, we publish every two weeks or so. Contact me ( with your kudos, complaints and genius ideas for future posts. Basically whatever you got, but especially compliments, because they really do make me roll over, show my belly and purr.

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** forward ( , because we're all in this together, friends Copyright © 2016 Peralta Elementary School. All rights reserved. Most writing here would not be categorized as reserved. ** unsubscribe ( : if you must. No one unsubscribed last time. I'm not sure if that's a sign of general good will toward the Broadcast, or just a general lack of opening the actual email. Either way, though, I'm good.

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Peralta Broadcast, reimagined. 25 oct 2016 Never lose touch with Peralta — or anybody — ever again ( Tweets ( to Watch Out For Forward to someone ( if they deserve this much fun FULL CALENDAR ( * Oct 26: Peralta School Garden is bewitched by a magical incantation that makes parent volunteers show up at ridiculously early hours to strew pumpkins about for the children, thus creating the annual Pumpkin Patch, a beloved tradition.Your child will then select The Biggest Possible One, which you will have the pleasure of lugging home, no doubt. * Oct 28, 2:05ish-2:45pm Kids struggle into costumes, parade through school grounds then do one Walkathon lap en masse around the community so that all can enjoy the glorious spectacle that is the Halloween Parade. Helpful (and other) adults welcome, especially in the struggle-into-costumes department. It's really cute. * Oct 29, 8:15pm Is Claremont Middle School in your child's future? And do black & orange flatter you? Of course they do. Consider showing up for Claremont's fundraising dinner, dessert and auction party @ St. Peter's Parish, corner of Broadway and Lawton, Oakland. Costumes or black + orange attire encouraged but not required. Online auction ( already in progress. Buy tix ( ($25/advance) or at the door for $30. * Nov 2 6pm, dinner that you don't have to cook; 6:30pm, PPTG meeting; 8pm you will be home by this time (or pretty darn near it), because our PPTG Chair is really good about keeping the meetings flowing and ending on schedule. * Nov 5, 9am-1pm If you like to get a little dirty on a weekend morning, this is for you. Garden Workday, sponsored by your friends in the 4th grade, open to all. * Nov 5, 5pm We will look for you. If you aren't there, we will sit in the multi-purpose room with our hands folded on our laps in silence, for the full three hours. The Diversity Dinner will grow cold and congeal unattractively, without you. “Did I Miss Anything” ( “There is no lake at Camp Green Lake.”

Which classic children's story opens with this line? First person to send the correct answer to this address (!) wins a personal reply — from me — and... a Peralta bumper sticker.

Previous answer: Tar Beach, by Faith Ringgold Winner: Raquel Dillon, a fierce and frequent competitor. Fun facts: • Faith Ringgold is still alive. • Tar Beach, the book, is based on her story quilt Tar Beach, which is in the permanent collection of the Guggenheim Museum in New York.

Next issue should come out Nov 8th, AKA election day. Around 2pm. For those of you who really want to celebrate that the election will soon be Finally Over. Stay tuned. Tell your friends.

For those of you keeping track — you know who you are — here's your hotly awaited follow up to issue #3’s breaking news

Helio Rodrigues, Man of Mystery

That’s what I was going to call it, because it took me about four tries before I could finally sit down with him. But when I finally did, there he was so sweet, I am now calling this article

Helio Rodrigues, Ray of Sunshine

Brace yourselves. Order is coming.

And it’s coming in the form of Peralta’s new secretary, Helio Rodrigues, who hails from Brazil originally, and more recently from Sonoma County, where he worked in a small, private school.

If Mr. H. has his way, he will lead the decluttering charge. “I like to keep the essentials nice and neat. I’m a very organized person.”

When I asked him to describe his job, I expected him to explain what he did. Instead, he did as I literally had asked, portraying the job as vibrant and fun, a lot of responsibility, but also much room for learning and growth, which he liked.

The kindness of his elementary school principal and teachers in Brazil made a lasting impression on him. “They were so sweet and great, “ he confided. “When you’re that young, you’re eager to learn and very motivated. They made me like school.”

When he has shuffled off this mortal coil, he’d like to be known for his creativity. “I like to paint, to make things in my studio. I would love to do more.”

And now, it’s time for everyone’s favorite utterly random game, Two Truths and a Lie. Identify which of these three statements is a lie: • Helio is an only child • He speaks four languages • He’s very shy

First to correctly guess by sending the correct answer here ('s%20lie) wins a personalized invitation to stop in and wish Mr. H. a happy married life, and a Peralta bumper sticker.

Last issue’s lie, from Pantaleon Flores ( : he’s not Pantaleon Flores IV. He’s III. Correctly guessed by, shockingly: no one. If this trend continues, I'll take it as a sign that Two Truths and a Lie must Die.

Our communal table: a place for food, family, friends, and folks whose faces look vaguely familiar from your daily minute correctly and safely parked in the dropoff lane while your kid scoots out

Breaking B(re)ad @ Peralta — You Need to Cook

The Diversity Dinner beckons you once again, its tables replete with foods from the far reaches of the planet (most likely from actual Oakland, but from afar in spirit and inspiration).

AND there will be face painting.

AND I’ve heard talk of henna, if some kind adult or teeneager-ish person wants to volunteer to do it.

AND dancing, thanks to DJ Denise, who apparently will be bringing the funk. The funk has received a personal invitation. That’s how you know that Peralta is not that terrible small town from Footloose. The funk will be there. Plus dancing.

In sum, it’s a free night out with the kids, in which you will sit at cafeteria tables that remind you of your youth, while your actual, current youth run around the school and play with the other kids, mostly ignoring you if you’re lucky, leaving you free to exchange more than a cursory hello with other unrelated adults.

Now, I’m going to get all serious on you:

Contained at the Diversity Dinner is a microcosm of human experience as brought forth from the many different families at Peralta, assembled for you to taste and examine and ponder. This will not be the only place such an opportunity has been gathered, but it will be one place.

Will you be there?

Saturday, November 5th, 5pm until the funk leaves, which is generally around 8ish, just as bedtimes start to beckon.

Credit to Tom Wayman for the poem “Did I Miss Anything” ( which I have liberally borrowed from and absurdly bastardized (also in the calendar section). Credit to you for clicking through and enjoying the poem as written. No bumper sticker prizes, though. Reading it will be its own reward.

Pictures of Your Kids, Walkathon Edition

Photos courtesy of David Weber ( . For those of you interested in seeing gorgeous, larger pictures of your kids, about 300 of his Walkathon pictures will be available here ( for a month.

As of Monday, all things included, you raised $34,475 at the Walkathon. If past performance is any measure, donations will continue to trickle in this week. Thank you, to all of you, for donating, for showing up, for buying sno-cones, baked goods, books and to your kids, for walking their hearts out.

If you've got school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with your fellow Peralta-ites, or if you're just having a really excellent Pokémon week, please do contact me ( . We publish every two weeks or so. Kudos, complaints and scintillating ideas for future posts can go to the same.

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** forward to a friend who won't get mad at you for forwarding, even though there aren't many kitten pictures to be found here ( Copyright © 2016 Peralta Elementary School. All rights reserved. Like what kind of rights? Well, to name one, the right to remain silent. You have that right. Some of you may wish, at times, that I availed myself of that right. But it's just not very likely, in my case. ** unsubscribe ( : even though every time someone unsubscribes, I have a little moment where I remind myself that it's not personal. Dear Unsubscribers: you can always decide you made a terrible mistake. You can always come back.

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Peralta Broadcast, reimagined. 27sep2016 One of the great procrastination tools ( Follow on Twitter ( ... wouldn't you rather lead? Forward to someone ( if they're worthy FULL CALENDAR ( * Oct 14: Professional Development for the teachers. No school — unprofessional development? — for your kids. And maybe for you, too. * Oct 21, 8:15am, Legalized drug-fest at school? Yes, it's time for another Brewing Community. Stick around @ the 63rd Street entrance after drop-off to caffeinate, eat pastries and chat about the Peralta Broadcast, or anything else that might somehow be more interesting. Proceeds benefit the school. Caffeine benefits us all. * Oct 23, 12 noon: Walkathon. Have you ever tried to get your kid to hike or walk more than, say, a mile or two? Fraught with peril. Perhaps, like me, you've even used treats to motivate them. At the Walkathon, they'll all happily walk 4, 6 or 8 miles with their classmates. You get to outsource the bribery, I mean, incentives to the PPTG in the form of small, plastic doodads of little monetary value. Win-win. “I will always remember when the stars fell down around me and lifted me up above the George Washington Bridge.”

Which classic children's story opens with this line? First person to send the correct answer to this address (!) wins a personal reply — from me — and... a Peralta mug.

Previous answer: Mathilda, by Roald Dahl Winner: Elizabeth Dalia, in 3 minutes flat Fun fact: Every correct entry accrues "frequent entry points." I have no idea what these will be good for, but they will be good for something. Trust me.

Next SPECIAL issue should come out next week: Walkathon edition It's gonna be that good. Flash interviews with and pictures of a handful of the reasons we are all here, reading this email.

Next regular issue should come out October 25th. Around 2pm. For those of you who feel really competitive about the Read Me challenges. Stay tuned. Tell your friends.

The Diversity/Unity Committee wants YOU... to eat tasty food

Leeks with Olives

Can't you almost taste it? Click here ( for the full recipe. The Diversity Dinner is coming. November 5th, 5pm.


** The first thing we do, let's kill all the chairs...

Stephanie Vollmer's Big, Bouncy Dreams

One person was shocked when Stephanie Vollmer said she wanted to become a teacher — her mom. “Because she knows I don’t like to read, ” said Ms. Vollmer.

Ms. Vollmer’s declaration caught me by surprise. A teacher who does not read for pleasure? What a brave thing to admit.

Later, she clarified, “I do read, if there’s a topic I like. It took me years to get there. Here at Peralta, kids get to choose books that interest them. They read at their own paces. That’s great.”

Turns out that Ms. Vollmer is a mom, with two kids herself, plus a full time job teaching our kids. So, that spare time to fill with life’s pleasurable pastimes? Not so much.

Ms. Vollmer had no trouble recalling a traumatic incident from her 9th grade year. She has a roundish birthmark on her leg that caught the attention of an older, male student, who asked if it was a coffee stain. Instead of supporting teenage Stephanie and helping her with this fellow student, the teacher — not a paragon of sensitivity — called her “coffee stain” for the rest of the year. Mortifying.

On the other side of the mortifying scale, the one that tilts more toward funny, she shared The Curious Incident of Ladybugs in the Pocket, from her 4th grade year.

She and her three best friends were in the same class, at a school with a large grassy field. At recess, they’d go out looking for ladybugs, collecting and storing them in a container (with air holes!) in someone’s pocket, to be released at a later recess or after school.

One day, the container cracked open releasing a swarm of ladybugs into the 4th grade classroom. Young Stephanie felt terribly guilty that they had brought the ladybugs in, and that one of her friends was going to get in trouble for it. Thinking quickly, she told her teacher that she had a piece of cookie in her pocket that must have attracted all those insects.

The teacher either bought the cookie story or decided to reward her creativity. She let the incident slide. “I liked to talk to my friends in class, but I was helpful and a hard worker, ” Ms. Vollmer offered, by way of explanation.

In her own classroom, if money were no object, she’d get rid of all the chairs, putting the kids instead on big bouncy stability balls, to help students move around more within the confines of the classroom. Then she’d knock out walls and replace them with windows, letting natural light illuminate the space.

“I love working with kids,” she shared. “I felt a calling, even though I liked the idea of other jobs. Every day, when I come home, I’m happy. It’s very busy, but I need to be busy.”

That's it, friends. That's all the new teachers. If you missed any (really! how could you!), you can find them in previous issues: Madeleine McGuire ( (5th), Megan Larranaga ( (5th), and Natalie Ashby ( (3rd). Look for the profile of our Edible Garden Manager (with secret hidden contest), below. In the next issue, we'll move smartly along to our new School Secretary.

I would love to move on to other topics, but I can't

Even More about Middle School

I am duty-bound to share all the information, not just pelt it with witty repartee. And besides, I promised.

1) Thursday, Oct. 20, 6:30-8pm, Middle School Information Night Peralta Multipurpose Room

Parents talk about their children's (and their own) middle school experiences and choices. Note: the Peralta calendar incorrectly lists this event on Wednesday Oct. 26th. But hey, stuff happens. Things change. This date is the real deal.

2) Saturday, Oct 22, 2 - 4:30pm, Claremont Middle School Future Families Open House Claremont Middle School, 5750 College Avenue

Come see where locals have been sending our offspring to get educated since 1916. While you’re there, hear from students, faculty, and administrators about life at Claremont.

Register here ( : (You can, of course, show up without registering, but the event's planners would really like to know who's coming in advance)

Cherries to persimmons, and lots in between

Miracle(s) on 63rd Street

Pantaleon Florez, Peralta’s new Edible Garden Manager, tells me that soon, the salad bar at Peralta will be stocked with lettuces that our children have grown themselves, on our own schoolyard. Editor: This is my goal at home, too, but between persistent hungry critters (no, not my child, I mean the wild kind) and the life changing magic of my own short attention span, I have not been able to make it happen.

But wait, there’s more.

When he looks at our school through the magic, money-is-no-object future vision glasses I lent him, he sees a school ringed in fruit-bearing trees, ripening in succession from spring cherries to fall persimmons. But first (magic glasses off), the TB testing and the fingerprinting — the current welcome mats for school workers and volunteers these days.

‘Edible Garden Manager’ seems like one of those job titles that straightforwardly describes the work at hand, but that’s not necessarily the case. Pantaleon explains his work as falling into four main sub-groups: • giving students hands-in-dirt experience with gardening • educating students about edible and (medicinal) plants and herbs • leading gardening activities in after-care • collaborating with teachers on garden research + practice in their classrooms

To wit on this last bullet point, the salad bar lettuce miracle will actually result from a joint research project with both 5th grade classes. Half the kids will plant lettuce starts indoors/half outdoors. That way, kids can test the conditions that produce the tastiest and best lettuces and also monitor the potential impact of local critters.

In a larger context, Pantaleon would feel proud to be known as “someone who contributes to the intersectional liberation of all peoples.”

Asked to tell me more about ‘intersectional identities,’ he credited the writings of civil rights advocate and scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw. Crenshaw coined the term to describe overlapping or intersecting social identities and related systems of oppression, domination, or discrimination.

“Intersectional identities cross through all aspects of human identities (gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, and so on.) Intersectional liberation means that every piece of the identity pie will be recognized and allowed to flourish and be free.”

He just returned from a vacation to his childhood home town of Topeka, Kansas, where he spent his time organizing, protesting, and visiting family. Here at his current home, he is continually looking to put in work for the Black Lives Matter movement.

Given what you now know about Pantaleon, it’s time to play Two Truths and a Lie. Identify which of these three statements is a lie:

• Pantaleon’s second language is German • Pantaleon works for a community food security project • His full name is Pantaleon Florez IV

First to correctly guess by sending the correct answer here ( wins a personalized invitation to the next Garden Work Day, November 5th, 9am-1pm — sponsored by the 4th Grade, those denizens of the portables — and a Peralta bumper sticker.

Yes, it's Pictures of your Kids

A lotta Kinders. Next issue: pictures of your kids, followed by a special photo edition "Dogs of Peralta." Of course I'm serious.

Raise your hand (honor system) if you want to spend your time reading a bunch of plugs. Right. Let us agree not to "plug" events. If, however, you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with your fellow Peralta-ites, please do email or forward the information to this address ( . We publish every two weeks or so. Kudos, complaints and scintillating ideas for future posts can go to the same.

** Twitter ( | ** Facebook ( | ** forward to a friend who won't get mad at you for forwardin ( g Copyright © 2016 Peralta Elementary School. All rights reserved. For example, the pursuit of funniness, even if we fall short of the mark, every now and then.

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Peralta Broadcast, reimagined. 27sep2016 One of the great procrastination tools ( Follow on Twitter ( ... wouldn't you rather lead? Forward to a Friend ( who'll surely return the favor FULL CALENDAR ( * Sep 28: Immortalize that hair on film. Fall picture days for 3rd-5th grade. Last day to turn in picture forms for all grades if you want to avoid paying a $10 late fee. Who doesn't want to avoid that? * Sep 30: Lice Check. Professionals from Nitwits will check your kids' heads for free. They will send a note home letting you (and only you) know if your child needs to be treated for lice. Permission forms for this have gone home. More available in the office. Sign and return (with a YES or a NO, it's totally up to you). * Oct 4: It's free and could not be more convenient. Shoo the Flu day. Free flu shots (alas, no nasal spray this year on account of because it didn't work). Opt-in or out via permission slip which has already gone home. More available in the office. * Oct 5: Walk/Roll to School Day. I know the other calendar says Oct. 4, but that calendar is wrong. Who are you going to trust... me or some faceless calendar interface on a website somewhere? * Oct 8: in perhaps one of our more unusual pairings... Garden Work Day + onsite fingerprinting from LiveScan. Maybe, like me, your head is in the sand, hoping it will go away? It won't. All parent drivers for field trips, and any other unsupervised volunteers, need to be Livescan fingerprinted. Response floweth over — people are lining up to be fingerprinted at our children's school. $45 per person, cash or credit card. If the $ part is hard for you, contact Eleanor ( (PPTG chair) or Lilly ( (Oakland Ed Fund Volunteer Coordinator) for a scholarship to cover the cost.

“It’s a funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when their own child is the most disgusting little blister you could ever imagine, they still think that he or she is wonderful.”

Which classic children's story opens with those lines? First person to send the correct answer to this address ( wins a personal reply — from me — and... a Peralta bumper sticker.

Previous answer: The Snowy Day Previous winner: Zoe Gladstone, faithful waterer of the garden bed in the Kinder courtyard. Fun fact: At least one reader-couple competes with each other for the win. I'm not naming them, to protect the sanctity of relationships.

Next issue should come out October 11th.

In case you're keeping track. The next issue is just happy to be able to come out in the Bay Area, where we have a warm, accepting climate. Stay tuned. Tell your friends.


** Let's Talk about Ashby

I do not mean the street.

One Crazy Summer.

Does that describe the past three months for you?

For Natalie Ashby, Peralta’s new 3rd grade teacher, it’s the title of her most recent read, a book she may use in her classroom at some point. In it, Rita Williams-Garcia tells the story of three sisters who travel to Oakland in 1968 to meet their mother, who they believe had abandoned them. They arrive in California expecting Disneyland, but instead, their mother sends them Black Panther Day Camp. The three girls learn a lot about their family, their country, and themselves during that summer.

Ms. Ashby, fresh from her graduate education, reads widely for pleasure. Currently she's enjoying books at the third grade level, with an eye to her classroom — to wit, The One and Only Ivan, and Flora and Ulysses. But it’s One Crazy Summer, historical fiction, that has really lit her fire.

“I love the local connection, and I’m passionate about history,” affirmed Ms. Ashby.

In conjunction with the third grade history curriculum, Ms. Ashby will train her students to look directly at historical artifacts, make observations about them, and then use their observations to hypothesize about historical events.

It wasn’t a given that Ms. Ashby would find her way to teaching. She ruefully recalls an unfortunate slowness with Fast Facts (memorizing multiplication tables) as well as fighting the beast known as cursive handwriting. She also started Kindergarten following a stint abroad which left her with a thick British accent. The accent (would she would lose, courtesy of speech therapy) plus her natural shyness discouraged her from speaking much in class — a significant hurdle for a grade school student.

Later in life, the dance world almost claimed her. She worked as a dance and creative movement teacher for many years. She’d like to bring the creativity she drew upon in the dance world into her teaching practice, incorporating creative movement whenever possible.

In her dream classroom, every student would use an iPad, to help them assess themselves and reflect upon what they have learned.

The pipeline of new teachers coming in to Peralta keeps delivering. See also previous profiles of Madeleine McGuire ( (5th), and Megan Larranaga ( (5th).

Breaking news

School Secretary Successfully Selected

If you were at back to school night, you heard Ms. Costello recount how she inadvertently scared off an applicant by explaining a few parameters of the job. Then, she asked him why he wanted a job like that. Turns out, he didn't.

Ms. Costello left him to try some tasks, while she went to handle a few other things. When she returned, he had vanished.

But now, a worthy candidate has accepted the job. Helio Rodrigues now sits in the hot seat. Secretary Emeritus Jan is working with him to get him settled.

You could stop by to say hi. Or you could just wait until I get a chance to profile him in my own, gripping, probing way.

And now, the hotly awaited follow up to last issue's breaking news:

Meet the Bushtitsthe bushtit nest? or my hair on a bad day?

Bushtits are birds. They work collectively (awww) to make an elaborate hanging nest of moss and lichen assembled with spider silk and lined with feathers. They're the mixed-media artists of the avian world.

These resourceful birds have chosen a branch of our pine tree, overhanging the sidewalk on 63rd, for their magnificent dwelling. Says garden worker Susanne Wiesman, "I have only ever found one, on display at a childcare center."

This picture, though fine, doesn't really do justice to the nest. Susanne would be happy to show it to you and/or your kids personally. Contact her here (!) if you're interested.

We have determined that the Bushtits will not require TB tests (because they're pretty much going to avoid the kids) or fingerprinting, (mostly because of a distinct lack of fingers).

“Middle school is kind of like Middle-earth. It’s a magical journey filled with elves, dwarves, hobbits, queens, kings, and a few corrupt wizards.”

Middle School: the Jan Brady of your Child’s Education

Opportunities to explore the exciting, malodorous world of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade are presenting themselves for your review. They're wildly raising their hands, desperate for you to call on them:

1) Saturday, Oct 22, 2 - 4:30pm, Claremont Middle School Future Families Open House Claremont Middle School, 5750 College Avenue

You’ve been walking by that light green building for what feels like forever. Why not come in and see the school yourself? While you’re there, hear from students, faculty, and administrators about life at Claremont. More info to come. 2) Middle School Information Night @ Peralta (with information about many local school options) will be around the same time. Details later, when we have 'em.

Still More Pictures of your Kids

4th & 5th grade parents — this one goes out to you. A special edition, mostly from the portables. Feel the joy.

If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to this address ( . We publish every two weeks or so. Kudos, complaints and ideas for future posts can go to the same.

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Peralta Broadcast, reimagined. 13sep2016 Rabbit hole of time ( Follow on Twitter ( ... sure, why not? Forward to a Friend ( who likes this sort of thing FULL CALENDAR ( * Sep 16: 8:15, how do you spell community? C-O-F-F-E-E. Stick around @ the 63rd Street entrance after drop-off to scarf coffee + treats and chat about the upcoming Lice Check, Pinworms or other appetizing topics, with other parents & guardians. All proceeds benefit the school. * Sep 26 & 28: are you going to wear THAT? Fall picture days. I am hoping my 1st grader loses her front tooth by then because that will look awesome. * Sep 20: PSYCH! This is not the Lice Check. Never mind what the flyer said. See Sep 30, below * Sep 20-23: your kids will beg you for money to spend at the Fall Book Fair. In the library at lunch time and after school. * Sep 30: Lice Check. Professionals from Nitwits (plus parent volunteers) will check your kids' heads for free. They will send a note home letting you (and only you) know if your child needs to be treated for lice. Permission forms for this will be going home soon. Sign and return (with a YES or a NO, it's totally up to you).

"One winter morning Peter woke up and looked out the window."

Which classic children's story opens with that line? In honor of Friday's Brewing Community caffeine-fest, the first person to send the correct answer to this address ( wins a Peralta coffee mug.

Previous answer: Charlotte's Web Previous winner: Elise Freytag, Peralta class of 2016 Time elapsed between sending of Broadcast and receipt of correct answer: 5 minutes.


** Megan Larranaga Re-ups

Portable D's triple threat: teaches, gardens and can make a tiny functional vehicle out of a butternut squash

Student teaching with Susan Killebrew last year whetted Megan Larranaga’s appetite for life at Peralta. Now Ms. Larranaga is back for more, as one of two new teachers heading up one of Peralta’s fifth grade.

In her dream classroom scenario, she’d actually transform Portable D into three separate classrooms: one with desks arranged for small group work, one outdoors (right in tune with her co-worker, Ms. McGuire), and one with all desks individually facing forward so everyone could see the board. She likes to have students work with peers, but also recognizes that small group work isn’t helpful for all students.

Getting kids outdoors appeals to her because she feels that we spend too much time indoors. “One of my values is to spend more time interacting with the natural world,” she stated. Before coming to Peralta, Ms. Larranaga taught gardening at Harding Elementary, in El Cerrito.

Megan Larranaga interacts with the nature world When I asked if she was going to get involved with our beloved gardens at Peralta, she laughed and said, “I’m definitely planning to, as soon as I get some projects organized.”

Ms. Larranaga vividly recalls the Vegetable Derby from her own 5th grade year in South Pasadena, CA. The assignment: to make a moving vehicle uniquely from vegetable parts (and bamboo skewers, because axels). Her group hewed the body from the larger part of a butternut squash. It actually worked, she learned a lot, and was a lot of fun.

If she could invite anyone in to her classroom for a day, she’d love to bring in Michael Pollan. “He’s brilliant and very personable. He has things to share that are important for kids to hear about the environment, our food, and our own individual impact on the world. But he’s not preachy. He might be my ‘celebrity crush’,” she confided with a grin.

In the long run, Ms. Larranaga would like to be thought of by her former students as someone who believed in them, who knew them as individuals. She appears to be off to a strong start. Let me tell you, Peralta community, the fifth grade is in good hands. See also last issue's profile of Ms. Larranaga's co-worker, Madeleine McGuire ( .

We are the 50% (well, on Monday, Sep. 12, we were)

Cloudy with a Chance of Ice Cream

ice cream venn diagram Oh, the weather outside is frightening, but still, the idea of having AN ICE CREAM PARTY IN SCHOOL sends our kids to the moon with little bursts of childlike joy. As a card-carrying adult, I feel somewhat removed from just how much this prospect thrills them. But it does.

50% of the families in our school have contributed to the Peralta Fund. Thank you, first 161 students and their families, for leading the way to funding all the stuff that the state should be paying for but can't because we shot ourselves in the foot with Prop. 13. Oops, there I go, foisting my personal belief rant on you. I meant, thanks for paying for the art, PE, classroom mentors, library, gardens, and field trips that help make our school special (above and beyond first class teachers and staff).

Shout out: Ms. Ashby's 3rd grade class is just ONE donor-family away from hitting the magical 80% goal. Way to make one of our new teachers look good, 3rd grade parents.

Best thing about the Peralta Fund: gross = net.

Every other fundraiser Peralta runs will take money off the top of what is raised to cover costs. I'm just sayin'. We need 80% of each class to contribute within the next two weeks in order to earn that ice cream party (with donated supplies) that is looming so large in the eyes of your kid.

If you can, please contribute. Any amount counts and helps. Really and truly anything at all. Here's the link to donate online ( . You can also contribute by cash or check (take them to the Peralta office) if the whole online thing doesn't work for you.

Heads up: nipping at the heels of the Peralta Fund is... the Walk-a-Thon. Sunday, October 23, 12-3pm, @ Peralta.

Breaking news

Bushtits at Peralta

Jury still out on how much it will cost to fingerprint and perform TB tests on these very special visitors. Peralta Broadcast will bring you the full story in about ten days or two weeks or whenever we have enough content that's fit to print, liberally defined.

Get Fit

Come get fit, support the PPTG and meet other Peralta parents at a new group fitness studio in Emeryville. Core Society Fitness is offering a free class to all Peralta Parents (use the code "PERALTA") and will donate 50% of classes purchased by parents to the PPTG in the month of September.

The fitness classes are a 45 minute, music-driven workout designed to build strength, endurance, flexibility, and mental strength. All the exercises are instructor-led and performed on a megaformer machine to promote controlled movements. The space is as welcoming as possible to help facility the community we'd like to build. Many parents already attend and it's only a 10 minute bike or drive from Peralta.

Core Society is offering free board game-focused child care to Peralta parents during any class you take on Saturday, September 24th. Come escape and sweat with us. Schedule your class h ( ere ( .

Will & Emily, parents of Isaac Roscoe (2nd grader)

More Pictures of your Kids

Kids, glorious kids. And a dog. Eventually, I will get pictures of a lot more of them (kids, maybe dogs, too), so don't stop checking.

If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to this address ( . Kudos, complaints and ideas for future posts can go to the same.

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Peralta Broadcast, reimagined. 01sep2016 Rabbit hole of time ( Follow on Twitter ( ... sure, why not? FULL CALENDAR ( * Sep 1: Back to School Night, 6:30-8pm, without your kids if possible, though they are charming and delightful * Sep 7: first PPTG meeting. PPTG does not stand for Peralta Parents are Too Good * Sep 10: 9am-1pm, garden work/play/eat/chat day * Sep 26 & 28: are you going to wear THAT? Fall picture days

"Where's Papa going with that ax?" A killer opening line, you have to admit. Which classic children's story does it come from? First person to send the correct answer to this address ( wins a Peralta t-shirt.

Answer and winner announced in next issue.


** Madeleine McGuire, Super Genius Reader

Or at least, new 5th grade teacher

Come with me, back to your grade school years. The agony (of cafeteria lunches) and the ecstasy (of recess).

you're missing a funny picture of ms. mcguire. but hey, your loss Madeleine McGuire, one of Peralta’s new 5th grade teachers, remembers the terror she felt when starting first grade. In the way of children, who seem to just know what’s true, young Ms. McGuire was convinced that she had to know how to read in order to start first grade, despite her mother’s assurances to the contrary.

Her mother, recently divorced from her father, dropped her off at school, where her new teacher made eye contact with her. This was the moment that 6 year old scared Madeleine had feared, where she would be forced to talk, perhaps to expose herself as a non-reader.

But that’s not what happened.

Instead, she encountered a truly kind presence. Someone who understood her fear, and who didn’t make her talk, who simply led her in to the class — to learn how to read and so much more.

This is the kind of person Ms. McGuire works to be — someone who is known for caring for her people, a teacher who gets who her students are and looks out for them.

From an early age, Ms. McGuire devoured books. High school interests in Chaim Potok and Kurt Vonnegut gave way, most recently, to Americanah, by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan novels. But really, any good story can hook Ms. McGuire. “I like to get lost in a book,” she admitted. As if that were a terrible thing.

If money were no object, she would fill her classroom with endless books resting on sliding bookshelves — anything to hook a kid. While we’re in the realm of fantasy classrooms, hers would include a rooftop play ground, a pool for recess-time swimming, and more space, in particular, a shaded, natural outdoors reading space.

The shy but chatty grade school-aged Ms. McGuire grew in to an adult who loved art education. That love led to her work at the Bay Area Discovery Museum, as a family educator. She thought it was all about the art.

It wasn’t.

Turns out, it was about the education. At the museum, she discovered the joy of making things with people based on their shared experiences, with art or otherwise. She brings that joy, palpable within minutes of meeting her, to her teaching work at Peralta.

Also, blue ribbon to Ms. McGuire for Promptness of Response to my Request to Interview Her.

Peralta’s Gardens Fail to Maintain Themselves Again.

Coming soon: September 10th Garden Work Day, 9am-1pm, sponsored by your friends, the 5th Grade, AKA the enthusiastic kids the picture at the bottom of this email. All adults welcome to work (not just the 5th grade parents); all kids welcome to play. Or vice versa. Now that might be interesting.

If, somehow, you missed the information about what a garden work day is, and if, by chance, the title ‘Garden Work Day’ didn’t give it away for you, you can email Bryce Gray, brycegray4 for the full story and/or The Flyer.

PS: The sod is dead. Long live the sod. More on that in a future issue. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, please do come to Garden Work Day and find out.

Pictures of your kids, as promised

That's mostly a lie, because I don't actually have pictures of everyone's kids. I am not a miracle worker. But I do have some kids. And they are glorious. Eventually, I will get pictures of a lot more of them, so don't stop checking.

the glorious 5th grade

If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to this address ( . Kudos, complaints and ideas for future posts can go to the same.

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Welcome to the November 20, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast! Friend on Facebook ( Follow on Twitter ( FULL CALENDAR ( * Nov 23 - 27 NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Recess * Dec 2 PPTG Meeting @ 6:30 * Dec 12 Garden Work Day * Dec 14 - 18 Minimum Day Schedule * Dec 21 - Jan 1 NO SCHOOL, Winter Recess * March 5, 2016 Peralta's Annual Auction * May 14, 2016 Peralta in Bloom


A Purposeful Hustle, Ms. Ana By Bryce Breslin

On a recent clear and warm afternoon, after the bell sounded across the playground to end another school day, Ms. Ana, Peralta's beloved 4^th grade teacher in Portable C, said her goodbyes and gently shooed a handful of lingering students out of the room. Their reluctance to go was evident – her room is imprinted with her own personal warmth, and teems with interesting tech, gear, and hands-on displays – but Ms. Ana had agreed to an interview with the Peralta Broadcast before she'd need to hustle to catch her ride-share home.

Hustle – busy, dogged, purposeful hustle – seems to be an every-day component of Ms. Ana's work. Over the course of our ten-minute interview, Ms. Ana received two work calls, one parent drop in, and one student visit, all after the final bell. "It does stay pretty busy," she said. This seemed to be an understatement.

Ms. Ana began teaching in the early 1990's in a bilingual school in Oakland (she's a Spanish speaker, having been taught mostly by her father, and she spent time in Panama in her youth). Teaching has deep roots in her family. Asked when she knew she wanted to be a teacher, Ms. Ana responds with amusement: "I didn't know I wanted to be a teacher, because my mom, dad, stepmother, and stepfather were all teachers and told me not to teach." But teaching found her.

Her own deeply held convictions are manifest in her teaching, and were woven into her vision of teaching from the outset. "I really felt that people of color, in particular, need to know a lot more about their histories, so that they can be powerful in society and feel strong and happy about where they come from… No matter what I was going to be, I felt strongly about doing that work in society. And I definitely think that together – the community, my students, and I – we have explored deep and meaningful history every year."

A broad smile spread over Ms. Ana's face when she was asked how she imagines her students might see her as a teacher. "I think that they see me as a complicated person who cares about the world. Sometimes I'm teaching them with an old-school technique, in an old-school way. And then other times we're on a boat together with wind blowing through our hair, all the way into outdoor education. So I think they see me as complicated because of that. They definitely know that I don't take any stuff," she added in a teacherly tone – stern but kind – that many parents will recall from their own 4^th-grade days. "I have a rep for that. A lot of students say, 'Yeah at first I thought she was really, really strict, but once I got to know her I started to understand what it was all about."

In her 12-year tenure at Peralta one of the largest changes that Ms. Ana has seen is in the area of fundraising. Recently, Ms. Ana secured a big grant from, which, among other things, she'll use to provide tablets for her students. These will enable Ms. Ana's students to blend digital literacy with the Words Their Way curriculum, to carry out research, and, she says, "the best is that the science lab has been totally boosted up! It's now nicknamed The Mother Ship." Among other new tools she's secured for her students, Ms. A showed me hand-held microscopes that interface with classroom PC's ("we're on our fourth batch of brine shrimp"), a stereo microscope ("literally making our curriculum more accessible…the microscopic world is a theme we're going to continue with"), dedicated stations for observing the nitrogen cycle ("we watch together what's happening, it's exciting!"), a state-of-the-art sound system with conference mics for students ("the sound quality of this system has made a big difference already!"). All of this, and more that is being sent to Ms. Ana now, was secured through her grant-writing and fundraising efforts.

As we were wrapping up our interview, another call came from the office: a package had arrived for Ms. Ana's class, and could she come get it? Wading through the throngs of After Care students, she returned hellos with a dozen or so students and gave out two hugs. The package, it turned out, was another shipment of learning tools for her students, secured through her recent grant. The excitement on her face was easy to see.

Any final thoughts for the Peralta community? "I would just say keep doing what you're doing, and that we're so thankful for the support! It's just really powerful to be in such a situation... It's a special, a magical campus that we have here. The biggest part of that is the community. Thank you for helping us thrive.

Hunger In a Wealthy Land, Alameda County

Peralta Elementary is just one of countless schools participating in food drives to stock the shelves of local Food Banks. Every Fall, food drives implore people to give thanks and share the bounty - here in Rockridge that message carries special meaning. Despite being in the heart of one of the wealthiest regions of the country, one in five Alameda County residents will turn to the Food Bank at some point this year – far outpacing the national ratio of one in seven.

"With one of the highest costs of living in the world, a family of four in Alameda County needs to earn more than $86,000, just to meet basic expenses it’s nearly impossible for low- and moderate-income households to get by. That’s where the Food Bank comes in," said Michael Altfest with Alameda County Community Food Bank.

Altfest spoke with the Peralta Broadcast this week to discuss why food drives at schools are critical. "Children make up by far the biggest group of people we serve and our clients come from everywhere in the community, including Rockridge."

Food drives at schools are important to help gather a good variety of quality foods. It is also a way for kids to understand hunger, get involved, and be a part of the solution.

The Food Bank’s current strategic plan is to provide 90 million meals annually—ensuring every food insecure person in Alameda County has at least one healthy meal per day—by 2018.

Update on UNICEF Halloween Efforts By Desi Evans and Jaylonnie Idelson

You guys are not going to believe that we raised $500.64. This means that we can get a water pump for a school or village so that they can have clean drinking water and sink water. If there is $5 left we can get a soccer ball for a child that has nothing to play with. We raised money from this doing Halloween trick or treat for UNICEF.

Note: The Peralta Broadcast welcomes and encourages news submissions from students. Please email us at

Rockridge in the Snow - November 28th

We haven't much rain but what is to stop us of dreaming of a White Christmas? Saturday, November 28th from 3-6pm merchants on College Ave will host "Rockridge in the Snow" to celebrate the holiday season. Snow will be trucked in to the BART parking lot and Santa will make a visit to hear wishes and check his naughty list. Pony rides and live music will also be featured, along with a Warm Coat and Toys for Tots donation drive.

The Drive to Claremont Claremont MIX and MINGLE II Fri, Dec 4, 2015 5:45-8pm, 5506 Taft, home of Chabot/Claremont parents Maxi Lilley and Eric Faurot There will be another chance for families still exploring their middle school options to get an inside look at what life is like at Claremont and for the families of students who are definitely headed for Claremont to get serious about joining and building the Claremont community. Mr. Mayer will attend to describe his progress and vision for the school and to take questions. Light fare will be provided. This event is for adults only.

School Tours at Claremont December 8 & 15 8:45-10:15 am at Claremont

A chance for parents and families of prospective students to take a guided look at Claremont during the school day. Sign up at or for more information, please contact Lyn Hikida at ( or M’noa Moore Lawrence at ( .

December Events at the Rockridge Branch Library

  • Regular story times on Thursday and Saturday mornings at 10:30 am for children ages 0 to 7 years.
  • Make a holiday gift for backyard wildlife on the first Saturday in December, 12/5, at 2:00 pm; biodegradable, all natural bird feeders. All ages welcome.
  • Unusual jewelry making for teens afterschool on Wednesday, 12/9 at 2:00.
  • Play Well Lego Party on Tuesday, 12/8 at 6:00 pm.
  • Finding something good to read - everyday

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address ( .

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Welcome to the November 4, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast! Friend on Facebook ( Follow on Twitter ( FULL CALENDAR ( * Nov 6 FREE flu vaccination * Nov 6 Walk & Roll to school * Nov 7 Diversity Unity Dinner 4-8pm * Nov 11 No School, Veteran's Day * Nov 14 Garden Work Day * Nov 23 - 27 Thanksgiving Break * March 5, 2016 Peralta's Annual Auction * May 14, 2016 Peralta in Bloom


Time To Have A Meaningful Adult Conversation

Peralta Elementary is full of great kids and those great kids most likely have some great parents. For many parents the daily grind leaves little time to have a meaningful adult conversation with other great parents. This Saturday, Nov. 7th, presents a unique opportunity for adults with the Diversity Dinner.

"This is a community builder and not a fundraiser. We [parents] are so busy and there is so much that we do but it is hard to have more than a two minute conversation and this is the chance to talk and let the kids run around a play," says Peralta mom Eleanor Katari and co-char of the Diversity Unity Committee.

Designed as a community builder the Diversity Dinner celebrates the wealth of cultural heritage in Rockridge and is the only event that extends to the wider community. Giving people more to talk about than their jobs, the dinner gives people a chance to talk about where they come from and what it means .

People are required to bring one pot-luck dish to share and are encourage to dress up in fancy clothes or something meaningful to their culture.

No need for a babysitter, children will be entertained with arts and crafts, a photo booth and more. The event kicks off at 4:30pm on Saturday at Peralta, food is sever at 5:30 and a dance party begins at 7. DJ Denise will be spinning the hits and you may have noticed kids making song requests already on a school yard sign up poster.

"The Diversity Dinner is great for for new people or people that may not feel well integrated into the Peralta Family," concluded Katari.

Click here for more detail on volunteering. There will also be an effort to share the bounty with a canned food drive. People are asked to bring canned goods. (Preferred items: Canned meats and fish, Low-salt soups, stews and chili, Pasta and sauce, Beans and rice, Peanut butter, Cereal, Oatmeal.)

The Kindergartners Are Coming!

Beginning Nov. 17th, Peralta will be hosting parent-led kindergarten tours for prospective kindergarten parents. The tours will be 45 minutes long, starting at 9 am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays the following dates: Nov 17 & 18, Dec 1 & 2, Dec 8 & 19, Dec 15 & 16, Jan 5 & 6, Jan 12 & 13th. If you have children entering kindergarten next year, please call Peralta secretary Jan Seagren at (510) 654-7365 to sign up for a tour.

Also, mark your calendar for the Peralta Kindergarten Open House, Thurs, Nov. 12 at 6:30 pm in the Peralta Multi-Purpose Room (parents-only event).

Jazz at the Chimes - November 15

Jazz at the Chimes is an independently produced concert series sponsored by Chapel of the Chimes in Oakland featuring Bay Area talent. Concerts are held at the Chapel of the Chimes – a designated City of Oakland Landmark designed by Julia Morgan. (Did you know that Rockridge used to be known as the Chimes District?)

Check it out on Sunday, November 15th as Jazz at the Chimes welcomes virtuosic flutist John Calloway, along with Ken Cook on piano and Michaelle Goerlitz on percussion. They will present a potpourri of Caribbean, Jazz and Brazilian musical styles. Chapel of the Chimes 4499 Piedmont Ave. Oakland, CA Tickets: $15 general/$10 seniors & students - for concert & reception. Purchase tickets at the door. (Cash only) Ticket sales begin at 12:30pm; Doors open 1:30pm Limited seating! Info: 510-654-0123 (tel:510-654-0123) (

The Chapel provides a visual backdrop and acoustic listening venue for live music in a setting like no other. The mission of the series is to honor the individual stories, unique artistry and personal contributions of the jazz artists who are a part of the diverse Bay Area community.

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address ( .

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Welcome to the October 30, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast! Friend on Facebook ( Follow on Twitter ( FULL CALENDAR ( * Nov 6 FREE flu vaccination * Nov 6 Walk & Roll to school * Nov 7 Diversity Unity Dinner 4-8pm * Nov 11 No School, Veteran's Day * Nov 23 - 27 Thanksgiving Break * March 5, 2016 Peralta's Annual Auction * May 14, 2016 Peralta in Bloom


The Best Week Ever For Peralta Kids

For Peralta kids this just might be the best week ever. On Sunday the annual walk-a-thon kicked off in full force with kids walking up to eight miles and raising over $33,000 for the school. (All funds have not yet been collected and the total may go higher.)

Plied with popsicles, treats and friendship they accomplished much:

Monday morning the children were greeted by hundreds of pumpkins, temporarily turning Peralta Gardens into the Peralta Pumpkin Patch.

The grandest day of all came on Friday, for the annual Peralta Halloween Parade.

Fall Back One Hour on Sunday! Don't forget the time change this Sunday, Nov. 1st. Granted your phone will do it for you, but there might be other clocks.

Trick or Treat for UNICEF

Peralta mom, Anne Janks, encourages families to trick or treat for UNICEF and is providing a few reasons for motivation: * UNICEF provides clean water, vaccines, and support for education * When kids trick-or-treat for UNICEF, they can also ask for candy. * The money helps other kids have good schools.

Pancakes at Oakland Tech Tomorrow

The Oakland Tech Sports Booster Club 4th Annual Pancake Breakfast will be held Saturday, Oct. 31 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. in the OT Cafeteria. Tickets are $15 at the door. (Children under 5 are free.) The fundraiser benefits all Oakland Tech sports teams. Check out this flyer for details ( . ( For questions, contact Catie Cariaga Nakamura at ( or 510-701-4891.

Ashby Lumber Says Thanks

For those who took advantage of shopping at Ashby Lumber last weekend, the PPTG says thanks. The local lumber store donated $2,352 to Peralta Elementary.

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address ( .

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Welcome to the October 23, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast! Friend on Facebook ( Follow on Twitter ( FULL CALENDAR ( * Oct 25 Walk-A-Thon * Oct 26 Pumpkins at Peralta * Oct 30 Halloween Parade @ 12:55 * Nov 6 FREE flu vaccination * Nov 6 Walk & Roll to school * Nov 7 Diversity Unity Dinner 4-8pm * March 5, 2016 Peralta's Annual Auction * May 14, 2016 Peralta in Bloom


Peralta Families Give P.E.A.C.E. A Chance

The Peralta Enriching And Creative Environment, or PEACE as you may know it, is designed to give kids a safe and enriching environment in which to spend those delicate hours after school and before the work day ends. Assuming you aren't in bed promoting peace like one famous Beatle (which sounds really great actually), time and finances play a critical role in making an after-school decision for most families. PEACE is guided by these considerations.

Sherice Tyler is the coordinator for PEACE and for the last eight years a guiding mission of serving Peralta children has led her to working closely with the community.

"Peralta reminds me a lot of my own elementary school. It is very colorful and I love the families. Everyone sees people for who they are. We strive to have PEACE reflect this community feeling," said Sherice.

Four years ago, Peralta dropped below 50 percent of students qualifying for free and reduced lunches. This drop meant PEACE lost approximately $75,000 in funding. Since then Sherice has worked creatively through her vast network of Bay Area children's programs to find enriching classes for students. PEACE looks to provide far more than child watching though truly enriching classes.

Some of the most popular classes have been karate, dancing, cooking, orega mi and leisure club, which allows overwhelmed students to read books, do homework or work on an art project.

"I always have my eye out for new ideas. A lot of times parent's have new ideas that turn into big hits," says Sherice.

A few things to know about PEACE:

  1. PEACE is Peralta mom powered. Sherice, mother of Peralta 2nd grader Jayla, is one of two moms running PEACE.
  2. Supporting PEACE supports the greater community by providing all children the opportunity for enrichment classes.
  3. Kid's enjoy and remember PEACE. Sherice has high school students return to visit with her.

The Peralta Walk-A-Thon Ready, Set, Walk! Peralta has raised over $15K online. Get your dose of adorable, kids start walking on Sunday at 12:30 (registration starts at 12 noon) with their lap counting T-Shirts.

Walking 10, 15, or 20 laps can make for hungry kids. Organizer are still recruiting volunteers. Sign up here ( .

Smashing Pumpkins

Get ready for the Peralta Pumpkin Patch this Monday, Oct. 26th. Parents are needed to help unload 350 pumpkins before school, starting at approximately 7:30AM. Each student will get to take home one special pumpkin.

Don't let the picture above happen to you! What to do with pumpkins after Halloween? Here are some ideas: * Give it a proper burial…Pumpkins are, of course, all-natural, so composting them or even just burying them in the ground is good for everyone — they add zinc, phosphorus and iron to the soil. * Give it a second chance… If you haven’t carved it, your pumpkin could find new life as part of your Thanksgiving decorations.Use it as part of your fall table or porch deco rations, or take a tip from Martha Stewart and turn it into an incense burner that smells like pie. * Try a pie…or pumpkin bread, or cookies or pancakes. Uncarved pumpkins should still be fresh inside, which makes them perfect for your favorite recipes. * Put it in the compost bin and take a nap.

The Ghouls Are Coming

The Peralta Halloween Parade will haunt the hood next Friday - but there is more to do for spooky spirits this week: * The annual Peralta Pumpkin Patch will take place on Mon. Oct. 26th * Rockridge branch library hosts Not Too Spooky Night Halloween Stories and Treats Tues, Oct. 27th at 7pm. Kids come dressed in costume - best for ages 3-9 * The Peralta Halloween Parade will take place on Friday, Oct. 30th at 12:55PM. (Teachers will be distributing trick-or-treat for UNICEF boxes.) * Halloween on Saturday, Oct. 31st

The Claremont and Oakland Tech School News Roundup Claremont MIX and MINGLE Fri, Oct 23, 2015 6:15-9pm, 5664 Oak Grove Ave., home of Chabot/Claremont parents, Shona Armstrong and Zac Unger Meet prospective families and families of current Claremont students. Hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be provided. Due to constraints of the location, this event is for caretakers, not kids, but it’s Kids’ Night Out at Chabot.

Claremont FUTURE FAMILIES OPEN HOUSE Sat, Oct 24, 2015, 2pm-5pm at Claremont, begins in Gymnasium Bring your future middle school student to meet the administration, teachers, parents, and students, and learn about academics and life at Claremont. For more information, contact former Chabot/Claremont/Tech parent, Lyn Hikida at ( or M’noa Moore Lawrence at ( . All are welcome. Registration is not required, though it will help plan for materials and refreshments. Visit ( to RSVP in advance.

The Oakland Tech Sports Booster Club 4th Annual Pancake Breakfast will be held Saturday, Oct. 31 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. in the OT Cafeteria. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. (Children under 5 are free.) The fundraiser benefits all Oakland Tech sports teams. Check out this flyer for details ( . ( For questions, contact Catie Cariaga Nakamura at ( or 510-701-4891.

Shop with Heart at Ashby Lumber - October 24th

Before the rains hit - we hope - you may be planning some projects. Now is a good time to buy supplies, Ashby Lumber will give five percent of all sales at the Berkeley location to Peralta on Saturday, October 24th.

Spooky Space - October 24th Saturday, October 24, 11 AM - 4 PM It's Trick or treat at Chabot. Dress as your favorite extraterrestrial or character and receive a treat! Drink some spooky punch and participate in hands-on sinister science activities. Enjoy guest appearances by special costumed friends. There will be Discovery Lab activities for tots with costumes, spooky read-a-longs and much more. Free with admission.

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address ( .

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Welcome to the October 9, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast!

No School October 16th - Broadcast Returns 10.23 - Pumpkin Spice Edition! Friend on Facebook ( Follow on Twitter ( FULL CALENDAR ( * Oct 10 Garden Work/Play Day * Oct 15 Middle School Info Night @ 6:30 * Oct 16 NO SCHOOL * Oct 25 Walk-A-Thon * Oct 26 Pumpkins at Peralta * Oct 30 Halloween Parade @ 12:55 * Nov 6 FREE flu vaccination * Nov 7 Diversity Unity Dinner 4-8pm * March 5, 2016 Peralta's Annual Auction * May 14, 2016 Peralta in Bloom


What Comes Next? Choosing a Middle School

Public or private, choosing a middle school is no easy task. This coming Thursday, October 15th is Middle School Info Night for 5th grade families. The group will meet at 6:30 in the multi-purpose room.

The Price of Public vs. Private

For many people the choice between private and public will weigh with family finances. The Peralta Broadcast reached out to financial planner, Rick Prime of Prime Wealth Management in Berkeley for his thoughts. According to Prime, costs of middle school and high school are similar to what needs to be saved for college. Three years of private middle school and four years of private high school in the Rockridge area can cost $205,000; approximately $80,000 for private middle school and $125,000 for private high school. The cost of four years of college, including room and board, is $83,000 at Sonoma State; $120,000 at U.C. Berkeley; and $241,000 at Stanford. This ignores financial aid, variability in tuition between schools, and the fact that tuition costs are rising faster than inflation.

Prime chose to send his kids to Claremont Middle School and they now attend Oakland Tech. Prime gives a final opinion on the matter, "Financial aid or loans for college are usually available when needed, but the same is not true for retirement. Basically, if you're not on a smooth financial flight, secure your own oxygen mask first."

Claremont Middle School Open House

For many Peralta kids Claremont is the likely public option for the next step. Claremont’s Future Families Open House takes place on Saturday, Oct. 24, from 2 to 5 p.m. at 5750 College Ave., Oakland. Bring your future middle school student for a chance to visit 6th grade and elective classrooms, and to meet current Claremont students, parents, teachers and staff. The event will also include a students' scavenger hunt, a raffle, and an informal reception with light refreshments. Advance registration (optional) is online at: For the school tour schedule, visit

Supt. Wilson to Discus School Assignments

Local education leaders are set to discuss how students are assigned to schools, equity and school quality. The local school budget will also be discussed on October 24th from 10-12 at Piedmont Avenue Elemenatary. Leading the discussion will be OUSD Superintendent Antwan Wilson and local school board member Jody London. The public is encouraged to attend.

You've Got Questions, Jan's Got Answers

Chances are you have already met Jan Seagren (Ms. Jan), the administrative assistant to Principal Costello.

"She is terrific," says Ms.Costello.

Ms. Jan is the mother of three and grandmother of four. She was the PTA President for Grass Valley Elementary in Oakland 21 years ago when she was offered a job as an OUSD administrative assistant. Four years ago she landed at Peralta.

Ms. Jan recalls her start at Peralta, "During my interview I asked Ms. Costello what she wanted me to do. She said, "Take care of the babies," and that is really a lot of what I do. I'm a school mom in many ways and I tend to many bloody noses and scrapped knees."

On a recent busy afternoon, Ms. Jan took a moment to explain what she likes most about her job. "Peralta is the best school I've been at. Everyone has the same goal to get the kids educated and have a good time."

Office Tips from Ms. Jan:

  1. Bring things to the office and check in - no wandering around campus
  2. Check backpacks! Forms and notes are in there
  3. When in doubt, call Jan and ask your question

Standardized Testing

All your questions will be answered by OUSD Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Devin Dillion Tuesday, October 27th. A community education night will be held at Montclair Elementary at 6pm regarding SBAC standardized testing. Participating schools include: Chabot, Cleveland, Crocker Highlands, Emerson, Hillcrest, Joaquin Miller, Kaiser, Montclair, Peralta, Piedmont Avenue and Thornhill.

There isn't any Halloween like a Rockridge Halloween

One of the best nights to be a kid is just around the corner. * The annual Pumpkins at Peralta will take place on Mon. Oct. 26th * Rockridge branch library hosts Not Too Spooky Night Halloween Stories and Treats Tues, Oct. 27th at 7pm. Kids come dressed in costume - best for ages 3-9 * The Peralta Halloween Parade will take place on Friday, Oct. 30th at 12:55PM * Halloween on Saturday, Oct. 31st

The Peralta Walk-A-Thon - October 25th

It is time for the annual Peralta Walk-A-Thon on Sunday October 25th. Be sure to start your fundraising, check your email for details and be sure to mark your calendar for a family fun event.

Rockridge Out and About - October 11th If you are a fan of pumpkins and such...A day of live music, street entertainment, gourmet food and more. From noon to 6PM, check out College Ave on Sunday October 11th. Check out the highlights by clicking here ( . Years past the event has been a big hit with the kids.

Raffle to Benefit Peralta

Also..Market Hall and Cole Hardware have put together a raffle to benefit nine OUSD schools: Chabot, Claremont, Emerson, Hillcrest, Kaiser, Oakland Tech, Peralta, Piedmont Avenue and Sankofa. Market Hall and Cole Hardware will each match up to $2500 in raffle tickets proceeds, for a combined fundraising opportunity of $7500. The matching is capped but grab a ticket with the chance to win: * Claremont Hotel Stay * Experience Rockridge Gift Pack * Restaurant and Spa Gift Certificates * Gift Baskets and More

Purchase tickets at the cheese counter in Market Hall or visit the booth on Sunday October 11th.

Shop with Heart at Ashby Lumber - October 24th

Before the rains hit - we hope - you may be planning some projects. Now is a good time to buy supplies, Ashby Lumber will give five percent of all sales at the Berkeley location to Peralta on Saturday, October 24th.

PizzaFest - October 17th

You know the saying, "You can't please all the people all the time - you aren't pizza." Well how about attending PizzaFest? On October 17th from 11 to 3 you can celebrate all things pizza at Gilman & 9th St. in Berkeley. Click here ( for more details.

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address ( .

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Welcome to the October 2, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast! Friend on Facebook ( Follow on Twitter ( FULL CALENDAR ( * Oct 7 International Walk/Roll to School Day * Oct 10 Garden Work/Play Day * Oct 16 NO SCHOOL * Oct 25 Walk-A-Thon * Oct 30 Halloween Parade @ 12:55 * Nov 6 FREE flu vaccination * Nov 7 Diversity Unity Dinner 4-8pm * March 5, 2016 Peralta's Annual Auction * May 14, 2016 Peralta in Bloom


An Ounce of Prevention, Peralta lines up to Shoo the Flu

Benjamin Franklin didn't live long enough to witness a vaccine, but one could surmise that the man who said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," would applaud the community health effort to "Shoo the Flu."

For the second consecutive year, Oakland pre-K and elementary school students can get FREE flu vaccines. Shoo the Flu ( , is a partnership of the Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD), California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD).

“In 2014, we were able to provide over 8,000 vaccinations at over 100 Oakland area schools. We’re building on that success by expanding our program to include more schools and hopefully vaccinate more students,” said Erica Pan, MD, MPH, Director of the Division of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention at Alameda County Public Health Department. “Students can spread the flu quickly. School- based flu vaccine programs are one of the best ways to protect the community against the flu”

How it Works

On November 6th Peralta K-5th graders can receive the flu vaccine during school hours. Receiving the flu vaccine is voluntary, and is free for students, with or without insurance. Most children will receive flu protection through a nasal spray instead of an injection. Children with certain health conditions like asthma may need to get an injection.

“It’s important for parents and guardians to know that vaccines administered at Flu Vaccine Days are the same as what students would receive from their regular health care provider,” said Cheryl Burden, program manager of OUSD Nursing Services. “We’ve found that the nasal spray is effective for vaccinations given at schools, where needles can cause some anxiety. There was tremendous success during last year’s program and we’re looking forward to providing the same level of care during the 2015 program.”

For students to get flu protection, parents/guardians must complete and return a consent form that went home with kids or at If you DO NOT WANT your child to receive the flu vaccination write your child's name and 'NO' across the form.

Yes or No, Jan and others in the office ask that you please return forms ASAP.

Does the Flu Shot Work?

(Hopefully you have other sources of health news outside of the Peralta Broadcast, if not, we encourage you to get on that.)

Most health professionals believe that besides protecting students and reducing flu in the community, school-based flu vaccine programs reduce absenteeism in students and teachers. But where is the data?

Shoo the Flu is partnering with the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health to study whether school-based flu vaccine programs reduce the spread of flu in the community. UC Berkeley researchers will conduct a pilot of the evaluation, named the Bay Area Flu Study, this school year. They will ask parents/guardians and community members to complete surveys on flu and flu-like illness in their households. Parent/guardian recruitment will take place through a small subset of OUSD schools. Parent/guardian participation in the surveys is not a requirement for students to receive a flu vaccine through Shoo the Flu. The Bay Area Flu Study will provide evidence-based findings for creating sustainable school-based vaccine programs.


It was a controversial year in California. In June, Governor Jerry Brown signed one of the most far-reaching vaccination laws in the nation - barring religious and other personal-belief exemptions for school children.

Peralta families who requested a Personal Belief Exemption after January 1, 2014 are required to get a Personal Belief Exemption from their pediatrician. For questions call the Peralta office or nurse Jacinda Chen.

BOO! Get your kid a costume!

Halloween is right around the corner. The Peralta Halloween Parade will take place on Friday, Oct. 30th at 12:55PM.

Rockridge Out and About - October 11th If you are a fan of pumpkins and such...A day of live music, street entertainment, gourmet food and more. From noon to 6PM, check out College Ave on Sunday October 11th. Check out the highlights by clicking here ( . Years past the event has been a big hit with the kids.

Raffle to Benefit Peralta

Also..Market Hall and Cole Hardware have put together a raffle to benefit nine OUSD schools: Chabot, Claremont, Emerson, Hillcrest, Kaiser, Oakland Tech, Peralta, Piedmont Avenue and Sankofa. Market Hall and Cole Hardware will each match up to $2500 in raffle tickets proceeds, for a combined fundraising opportunity of $7500. The matching is capped but grab a ticket with the chance to win: * Claremont Hotel Stay * Experience Rockridge Gift Pack * Restaurant and Spa Gift Certificates * Gift Baskets and More

Purchase tickets at the cheese counter in Market Hall or visit the booth on Sunday October 11th.

Shop with Heart at Ashby Lumber - October 24th

Before the rains hit - we hope - you may be planning some projects. Now is a good time to buy supplies, Ashby Lumber will give five percent of all sales at the Berkeley location to Peralta on Saturday, October 24th.

Oaktoberfest - October 3rd

Oaktoberfest celebrates the history, the flavors, and the people of the Bay Area. Oakland’s Dimond District hosts this one-of-a-kind Fall Festival (combining Oktoberfest with Oakland), welcoming thousands with craft beer & food, entertainment, arts, and ecology. The Dimond continues a tradition as an entertainment destination, begun in the early 1900’s when Beer Gardens and German vacation resorts lined the boulevard. Oaktoberfest will bring world-class beer to the tented beer hall, serving steins of traditional German flavors and regional brew pub favorites. Check out the website ( .

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address ( .

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Welcome to the September 25, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast! Friend on Facebook ( Follow on Twitter ( FULL CALENDAR (

  • Sept 28 & 30 Fall Picture Days
  • Sept 29 6-8 Diversity Unity Meeting
  • Oct 7 International Walk/Roll to School Day
  • Oct 10 Garden Work/Play Day
  • Oct 25 Walk-A-Thon
  • Nov 7 Diversity Unity Dinner 4-8pm
  • March 5, 2016 Peralta's Annual Auction
  • May 14, 2016 Peralta in Bloom


Peralta Fund Hits Goooooooal!

The Peralta Fund 2015 has reached its goal of 80 percent for the whole school.

Chair of the Peralta Fund for 2015, Katherine Day reports, “In fact, our wonderful community has worked together and we have actually reached 82 percent participation and we have raised over $136,000 for the benefit of all our Peralta kids!”

Giving to the Peralta Fund helps carry on a parent-initiated tradition that has helped Peralta grow into what it is today.

Parents Matt Burry and Tamar Schnepp founded the Peralta Fund in the 2001-02 school year. Then parent Marguerite Young joined them the following year and helped to set up the online giving system that is still in use today.

“These innovative parents realized that our community works hard together, with everyone doing what they can. The Peralta Fund’s 'give-what-you-can' philosophy has been part of the campaign since the very beginning,” said Day.

"From the very beginning, the program has always emphasized asking everybody in the school to consider a contribution (if you aren't asked, it's hard to say yes!), that people give what they can, and that ongoing monthly giving should be supported because it's a way for people's small contributions to add up in a big way," co-founder Matt Burry commented.

A big congratulations to all supporters of Peralta.

Missing: Peralta Salad Bar

The famous Peralta salad bar is missing! Valerie (or 'Val') the new lunch program leader isn't equipped to handle vegetable preparation without parent involvement.

The school lunches currently consist of pre-packaged meals wrapped mostly in plastic. For Peralta kids to get a crack at some fresh fruit and veggies during the noon hour, parents will need to assemble.

Leading the parent effort: Zoe Gladstone. The Peralta Broadcast reached out to Zoe to ask a few questions on just how volunteering at the salad bar works.

Q: When does a person work at the salad bar? A: I'll contact you to work out the best days and frequency for you, based on your availability.

Q: What do salad bar volunteers do? A: Short answer--I will train you and let you know all the food service protocols and daily routine.

A: Long answer: OUSD provides the fruit and veggies--they are delivered to the school weekly. You will come to school around 11:15 or so, go to the kitchen (off the room where the PPTG meeting is held), chop some veggies, put them out in the salad bar, help kids move through the salad bar line, then compost leftovers and wash up. Done by 1 pm.

Q: When does the salad bar start?

A: Short answer: in the next few weeks. I will let you know as soon as Valerie tells me she's ready.

A: Long answer: Valerie is the new person in charge of the lunch program at Peralta. Since she is brand-new to this position, it is taking her a little while longer to sort out all the details of how the salad bar will work this year.

Q: Do people need to do anything special to prepare to volunteer?

A: Yes! All OUSD volunteers will need to register on the OUSD online volunteerportal and get a TB test.

How to Volunteer

If you've already registered to be an OUSD volunteer, you're good. If not, register here ( :


If you have already submitted a negative TB test to OUSD, it's good for 4 years.

If you need to upload a negative TB test (must be within the past 6 months) go here ( :

For more information and to sign up people can leave a note for Zoe in the office.

Meet Val

Val isn't new to lunch programs. She has worked in OUSD schools cooking and serving for years. Over the last two summers Val worked as a custodian at Peralta and got to know the faculty and staff. She points to the positive culture of Peralta as her main attraction to the job. Get to know Val better by volunteering in the lunch room.

MONDAY! Time to Say Cheese, Get a Haircut and Put On that New Shirt - Picture Day This Week!

Roots & Shoots Photography will be taking individual and class portraits again this year.

Monday, September 28^th (grades K-2) & Wednesday, September 30^th (grades 3-5) Make-up day is scheduled for Thursday, November 19^th (all grades).

Order forms went with kids this week. It was in a package also containing information on the flu (more on that next week.) Forms along with payment, are due on picture day.

What to Say to Kids - OPD Safety Alert

Last week the Berkeley Police Department (BPD) put out a safety alert that came as a startling reminder to parents to talk about safety with kids. According to reports two students walking to a Berkeley middle school were approached by a stranger and asked to get into a van. The students ran to school and alerted teachers who notified the police. Later a similar incident was reported near another school. Peralta Elementary was included in the safety alert. Peralta teachers and staff responded to the alert by reminding students to avoid strangers.

While the community relies on school to teach children many things - the Oakland Police Department (OPD) reminds parents that they must talk to their children. What to say to K-5 graders? The Peralta Broadcast reached out to Officer Kenny Ip, Youth and Safety for OPD.

"I always tell children to never help anyone they don't know, Never help anyone look for a cat or dog. Strange adults should never ask kids for help or directions" says Ip.

Parents likely spend a lot of effort telling their children to "be nice." So Ip's tips may seem strange to kids.

Here are some safety rules for kids provided by OPD: * It is best to tell your child these safety rules from an early age. Explain that some adult behavior is not okay. * Stay away from people who call to you from a car even if the person offers a "fun" experience or asks you for directions. If you go near the car you may be grabbed and taken away. * Don't go with an adult who says your parent or caretaker needs you somewhere else. Check with your teacher or principal first. * If someone tries to take you away, YELL “This is not my father (or mother)” and KEEP YELLING very loudly. Knock things over if you can, so that people will notice something bad is happening. * If you get lost in a store, go to the checkout counter right away. Do not wander around or go with a stranger. * If someone tries to bother you, always tell your mom or dad or guardian. * Don’t let anyone touch you in the parts of your body that your bathing suit covers. And you should not touch anybody else in those places either. Don't be ashamed to tell if that happens. * Don’t let anyone take your picture outside school unless your mom, dad, or guardian says it's okay.

For more information or tips from OPD, visit their site. (

Shop with Heart at Ashby Lumber - October 24th

Before the rains hit - we hope - you may be planning some projects. Now is a good time to buy supplies, Ashby Lumber will give five percent of all sales at the Berkeley location to Peralta on Saturday, October 24th.

Cole Coffee Turns 10 with Party - September 27th

Sunday, September 27th Cole Coffee turns 10 years old. From 1-5 pm the community coffee shop will host a customer appreciation celebration with live music and free coffee. Cole has been a big supporter of Peralta Elementary over the years and we wish them well.

Oaktoberfest - October 3rd

Oaktoberfest celebrates the history, the flavors, and the people of the Bay Area. Oakland’s Dimond District hosts this one-of-a-kind Fall Festival (combining Oktoberfest with Oakland), welcoming thousands with craft beer & food, entertainment, arts, and ecology. The Dimond continues a tradition as an entertainment destination, begun in the early 1900’s when Beer Gardens and German vacation resorts lined the boulevard. Oaktoberfest will bring world-class beer to the tented beer hall, serving steins of traditional German flavors and regional brew pub favorites. Check out the website ( .

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address ( .

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Welcome to the September 18, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast! Friend on Facebook ( Follow on Twitter ( FULL CALENDAR (

  • Sept 21-25 Sonia's Book Fair
  • Sept 28 & 30 Fall Picture Days
  • Oct 25 Walk-A-Thon
  • Nov 7 Diversity Unity Dinner 4-8pm
  • March 5, 2016 Peralta's Annual Auction
  • May 14, 2016 Peralta in Bloom



Peralta Reels in Kids With Book Hook

"Not another fundraiser!," scream parents. Rest assured that the Peralta Broadcast dug in and has confirmation that the upcoming book fair is focused on getting kids hooked on books.

Librarian Ms. Sonia will guide the younger grades to pick books they can read and good books that can be read to them. "I discourage buying a $20 Lego book unless we feel that a parent has approved in some way," said Ms. Sonia. While it can't be guaranteed, Ms. Sonia works to encourage kids to buy the right books and goes so far as to not put out many of the toys book companies may send along for purchase. Although, people can expect there will be some pencils and erasers.

"For some kids this might be their first shopping experience and it is fun to see them get a sense of value," said Ms. Sonia.

The library is great but nice shiny books do have a certain appeal and proceeds do benefit Peralta Elementary via the PPTG fund.

How it works

The Book Fair starts Tuesday Sept. 22nd and runs through Friday, Sept. 25th. Kids can shop during the lunch recess. Parents can send cash with their kids or write a check for a set amount made out to PPTG. Ms. Sonia encourages parents to review shopping with kids prior, using the flier sent home or online at

Parents can shop with their kids or shop for their kids as a surprise between 2:45 and 3:30 next week.

Want to know more about how to make the most of the Book Fair experience? Check out

A Peralta Legacy of Love

It is likely the first face you see in your Peralta experience. Ms. Sonia is the longest serving educator at Peralta and one of her many duties is conducting incoming Kindergarten evaluations.

"I love meeting Kindergarteners in the summer. They are so cute. That is my favorite part of the job," says Ms. Sonia.

She is the mother of three sons - all Peralta alumni. Ms. Sonia and family moved to the Rockridge neighborhood in the mid-70's, where she has walked two and half blocks to Peralta ever since. In the 60's and 70's she taught 3rd, 4th and 5th grades in Los Angeles and Richmond. Taking some time for motherhood she joined Peralta the same year her youngest son started Kindergarten at Peralta in 1988. Those boys today remain rooted in the Bay working as an attorney, a researcher and a law professor. Ms. Sonia recently became a grandmother to a little girl named Natasha - who now occupies her Mondays.

"I like that my kids went here. It means so much to me and I love the community spirit and kids," said Ms. Sonia.

You may know her as the librarian and Kindergarten tester but she also runs the Math Olympics and works with kids who need extra attention, while also overseeing all of Peralta's testing. In case you're wondering this position is funded by Title I funds and the PPTG.

"I'm known by the school for my longevity and working with all the kids. I hope that I bring a connection to our history and love of this special school," concluded Ms. Sonia.

Want to get to know more about Ms. Sonia? Say Hi to her at the Book Fair next week!

Peralta Fund

The Peralta Fund has set a goal of 80 percent participation. With just one week to go the school is at 67 percent. Here is the class breakdown: * Calica 71% - Need 2 families * Behrsin 79% - Need 1 family * Arbogast 69% - Need 2 families * Davis 71% - Need 2 familles * Lucker 71% - Need 2 families * Larson 79% - Need 1 family * Calquhoun 67% - Need 4 families * Stewart 59% - Need 5 families * Bandy 70% - Need 2 families * Killebrew 65% - Need 4 families * Ana Thomas 62% - Need 5 families * Kemp 57% - Need 7 families * Rogers 53% - Need 8 families

Got Fruit Trees?

The after school class and during school cooking program will gladly use any extra fruit or produce from your yard and garden. Please leave it in the staff lunch room or office.

Say Cheese - Picture Day

Roots & Shoots Photography will be taking individual and class portraits again this year. Save the dates:

Monday, September 28^th (grades K-2) & Wednesday, September 30^th (grades 3-5) Make-up day is scheduled for Thursday, November 19^th (all grades).

Please keep an eye out for posters and order forms in mid-September. Forms along with payment, are due on picture day.

Boy Scouts of America Now Meet Local Standards

Local mom of cub scouts, Ryann Cheung reports that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have now caught up to local standards of being inclusive to all. The local Pack 274 has just held their first meeting of the year.

"If BSA policy has been holding you back from joining, now is the time to join! We welcome all new scouts, regardless of grade in school," says Cheung.

Those interested can contact Alison Wellsfry at

Shop with Heart at Ashby Lumber

Before the rains hit - we hope - you may be planning some projects. Now is a good time to buy supplies, Ashby Lumber will give five percent of all sales at the Berkeley location to Peralta on Saturday, September 24th.

Girls Leadership - Parent-Daughter Workshops in October

Girls Leadership offers a series of courses for girls and their parents to build emotional intelligence. In this workshop, parent-daughter pairs learn about identifying healthy relationships, finding their voices, and communicating more effectively. In October, Girls Leadership will be hosting a four-part series of workshops at Chabot for fourth and fifth grade girls and their parent. To learn more about the class, including information about scholarships, follow this link ( . The registration states that registration is currently private, but can be completed by entering the code Chabot 2345.

Oaktoberfest - October 3rd

Oaktoberfest celebrates the history, the flavors, and the people of the Bay Area. Oakland’s Dimond District hosts this one-of-a-kind Fall Festival (combining Oktoberfest with Oakland), welcoming thousands with craft beer & food, entertainment, arts, and ecology. The Dimond continues a tradition as an entertainment destination, begun in the early 1900’s when Beer Gardens and German vacation resorts lined the boulevard. Oaktoberfest will bring world-class beer to the tented beer hall, serving steins of traditional German flavors and regional brew pub favorites. Check out the website at: (

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address ( .

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Welcome to the September 11, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast! Friend on Facebook ( Follow on Twitter ( FULL CALENDAR ( * Saturday, Sept 12 Garden Work Day 9am * Sept 21-25 Sonia's Book Fair * Sept 28 & 30 Fall Picture Days * Oct 25 Walk-A-Thon * Nov 7 Diversity Unity Dinner 4-8pm * March 5, 2016 Peralta's Annual Auction * May 14, 2016 Peralta in Bloom



When a Tree Falls

As you may have noticed, the large Ash tree in the garden area was removed over the weekend. Although the tree was beloved by many for shade and beauty, it had significant scarring and was becoming a safety hazard as limbs had begun to fall off. The roots were also causing problems with the irrigation system and more than their fair share of scraped knees as kids tripped on the raised portions. Removal of the tree and roots was part of a series of garden improvements planned for this year funded by private grants and donations.

Safety aside, the children have voiced their concerns on cutting a tree down. Ms. Costello is planning to issue a letter to students explaining why the tree has been removed and ask what they would like to see happen with the garden. Ms. Costello tells us that kids have requested student representation on the garden committee.

Desires for the garden include: the area leveled and sowed with meadow grass, a new tree planted and more planter boxes with edible foods.

Eat What You Sow

With garden planning taking place, it was announced this week that Peralta is the recipient of the Edible School Garden Grant. Ms. Gabby, who teaches gardening at P.E.A.C.E., will lead the fulfillment of the grant which seeks to promote a culture of sharing food. Students and parents can expect to see the installation of more planter boxes and should the El Nino rains hit – a bumper crop could potentially lead to food grown in the garden being served at the Peralta lunch salad bar!

Hoes Up! Get Involved

Garden Work Day tomorrow (Sat 9/12): Come out and help around the garden during the year's first Garden Work Day. People will be out there from 9am - 1 pm, but folks are welcome for any portion of the time they are able. Cole Coffee and snacks will be provided by the 5th grade hosts. Bring your kids (they love to run around) and your garden gloves! See you tomorrow!

Peralta Fund

The Peralta Fund has set a goal of 80 percent participation. New numbers should be coming soon. Right now it is believed that the fund has crossed over 50 percent participation.

In addition to the garden, the Peralta Fund is crucial to helping pay for teacher materials.The PPTG fund provided checks to all the teachers on campus at Back To School Night. "I've worked at schools where we didn't have this kind of parent support, and it feels like this amazing privilege to be at a place that when I need something for my students I can ask for it and usually receive it. Everything we take for granted here at Peralta we have to go without at other schools," said Susan Killebrew, 4th grade teacher.

Marie Steward, 3rd grade teacher commented, "The Peralta Fund allows me to go to book stores to pick out read-alouds to the class, which I love to do. I can do things with my students that I wouldn't be as inclined to do if I had to pay for it out-of-pocket."

Principal's Report

Ms. Costello delivered the Principal’s Report on Wednesday at the first PPTG meeting of the school year. Working with teachers and staff is the emphasis for 2015-2016, with a goal to meet the needs of all children, reported Costello. Soon Costello and team will begin earthquake and disaster planning for Peralta. Another highlight of the Report – test scores. Test scores from mandatory testing in the higher grades will be released soon. Word on the street – the numbers for Peralta are good.

Say Cheese - Picture Day

Roots & Shoots Photography will be taking individual and class portraits again this year. Save the dates:

Monday, September 28^th (grades K-2) & Wednesday, September 30^th (grades 3-5) Make-up day is scheduled for Thursday, November 19^th (all grades).

Please keep an eye out for posters and order forms in mid-September. Forms along with payment, are due on picture day.

Parking Alert Update!

Look out! Monday is the start of restricted parking on streets around Peralta. Unless you have a parking permit you will receive an $83 fine for parking more than two hours.

City Councilmember for District One, Dan Kalb commented, “You are correct that parking can be tight in the neighborhood within a few blocks of the school. That is why residents in some neighborhoods have petitioned to have restricted parking during weekday hours. Because most of the streets closest to Peralta remain unrestricted, I’m hoping that this will not cause problems with teachers, teacher aides, and parents who are volunteering at the school.”

According to Kalb, The following streets will remain free from RPP restrictions: · 63^rd Street from Colby to Racine · 62^nd Street from Colby to Racine · 61^st Street from Colby to Racine · 60^th Street from Colby to Racine · North Street from Racine to the School · North Street from Dana to Colby · Dana from Alcatraz to 63^rd Street · Canning from 63^rd Street to 58^th Street · 65^th Street from Telegraph to Dana.

For residents of the streets requiring permits – ticketing begins on Monday. Visitor parking passes are $9 a day. Although Kalb tells us he is preparing a proposal to reduce the daily visitor parking pass fee down to $5. Yet, many residents are calling for free visitor parking passes.

Girls on the Run

Girls on the Run is an after-school program that inspires girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Girls in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades are invited to join a team at Lake Merritt. Each practice consists of a discussion-based lesson, active games, and a running workout. The curriculum has 3 parts: getting girls to understand themselves, value teamwork, and understand how they can influence the world. At the end of the season, the team is physically and emotionally prepared to complete the Girls on the Run 5k in Golden Gate Park. Check out the website at (

Girls Leadership - Parent-Daughter Workshops in October

Girls Leadership offers a series of courses for girls and their parents to build emotional intelligence. In this workshop, parent-daughter pairs learn about identifying healthy relationships, finding their voices, and communicating more effectively. In October, Girls Leadership will be hosting a four-part series of workshops at Chabot for fourth and fifth grade girls and their parent. To learn more about the class, including information about scholarships, follow this link ( . The registration states that registration is currently private, but can be completed by entering the code Chabot 2345.

Oaktoberfest - October 3rd

Oaktoberfest celebrates the history, the flavors, and the people of the Bay Area. Oakland’s Dimond District hosts this one-of-a-kind Fall Festival (combining Oktoberfest with Oakland), welcoming thousands with craft beer & food, entertainment, arts, and ecology. The Dimond continues a tradition as an entertainment destination, begun in the early 1900’s when Beer Gardens and German vacation resorts lined the boulevard. Oaktoberfest will bring world-class beer to the tented beer hall, serving steins of traditional German flavors and regional brew pub favorites. Check out the website at: (

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address ( .

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Welcome to the September 4, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast! Friend on Facebook ( Follow on Twitter ( FULL CALENDAR ( * Monday, Sept. 7 Labor Day - P.E.A.C.E. CLOSED * Wed, Sept. 9 6pm PPTG Meeting * Saturday, Sept. 12 Garden Work Day 9am * Sept 21-25 Sonia's Book Fair * Sept 28 & 30 Fall Picture Days


Black Belt Wrestles with Kid Fitness at Peralta

There is a new face on the Peralta playground. Coach Reese, a black belt in Judo, is on a mission to engage children in healthy habits, and that includes physical fitness.

Coach Reese is new to Peralta but he isn’t new to motivating children to healthy lives. “Kids don’t get as much exercise as they used to – nowadays you have to push harder to keep kids active,” said Reese.

As a veteran of playing and coaching youth sports in the Bay Area, Reese doesn’t just talk, he walks… or rather bikes. Growing up in Berkeley and attending public school he played competitive soccer throughout his teens and later earned a black belt in Judo. From his Oakland home, where he bikes to school each day, he and his wife tend a vegetable garden.

Sports and physical fitness have changed over the years and Reece considers this in his programs. “My mother just pushed us out the door and we played sports all day long. It is a lot different from when I was kid. Today there is more indoor time. I try to keep kids interested and engaged. The focus now is less on competition and more on cooperative play. We want to see all the kids having fun and moving.”

Some of the favorite sports you will see at Peralta are basketball – now with an additional shorter hoop for the younger grades, kick ball, soccer, four square, wall ball and the big one dodgeball. Yep, you heard that right – dodgeball. Peralta kids are crazy for dodgeball.

“Dodgeball isn’t allowed at some OUSD schools but here Ms. Costello has approved of the recent acquisition of new softer balls that take the danger out of the traditional dodge ball.”

Peralta isn’t Coach Reese’s first Oakland elementary school, so what are his impressions? “This school is great because we have equipment.” According to Reece other schools don’t have equipment – at Peralta equipment is provided by the PPTG fund via your donations ( .

Coach Reese’s position is entirely supported by PPTG donations. On the first day of school he remarked at how many parents were dropping their kids off and getting involved, “Peralta is great. Everyone is welcoming and supportive of their children.”

Sports are one part of a well-rounded experience for kids. Just ask Coach Reese who, in addition to being a fitness and health enthusiast, can tout a career as a music producer and is currently pursuing his teaching credential.

Tips from Coach on getting your kids moving: 1. Don’t be afraid to take their devices away 2. Find a safe area and play with your kids, take them to the park 3. Check in with Coach Reese for ideas on new games to play at home

Peralta Fund - Late Breaking Numbers

The Peralta Fund has set a goal of 80 percent participation. As of press time we are at 48 percent - just over the half mark, with a few weeks to go. Here is the class breakdown: * Calica 29% - Need 12 families * Behrsin 42% - Need 9 families * Arbogast 38% - Need 7 families * Davis 54% - Need 6 familles * Lucker 50% - Need 7 families * Larson 68% - Need 3 families * Calquhoun 56% - Need 7 families * Stewart 50% - Need 7 families * Bandy 48% - Need 7 families * Killebrew 42% - Need 10 families * Ana Thomas 46% - Need 9 families * Kemp 50% - Need 9 families * Rogers 50% - Need 9 families

Principal's Report at First Peralta Parent Teacher Group Meeting

Ms. Costello will be delivering the Principal’s Report on Wednesday night, September 9th at 6:30PM. This will also be the first Peralta Parent Teacher Group meeting of 2015-2016. A Volunteer Fair will also be held this evening where you can learn how to support the school in more ways than a cash donation. A meal and free childcare will be provided!

School is out for Labor Day

No school on Monday and no P.E.A.C.E. Enjoy the holiday!

Peralta Kids Set to Play Awesome Music

As a parent you are likely to attend many - many youth concerts, some will feature good music and all of them will no doubt be adorable. Have you ever thought about what John Mayer’s high school band sounded like? What about Taylor Swift, Tom Petty or Adam Duritz at 14? Want to see some talented, hard working pre-teen musicians that are Peralta alumni? Check out this clip – that will certainly cause you to put at event on your calendar: Did you click it? Go click it – I’m serious. OK awesome! Here are the details: Two bands composed (mostly) of alumni from Peralta Elementary School will be performing on Sunday September 6^th at the Starry Plough at 3101 Shattuck Ave. (Including this one in the clip you just watched.) Background Noise plays cool jazz at 4pm - then Lyla, Gus & Kevin turn the heat up a notch with alternative/rock/punk! Starry Plough is an all-ages pub with juicy burgers, pizza and frosty beers. This is a free event: Peralta will get a small percentage of bar sales, and additional donations will be accepted.

4 pm - 4:30: "Background Noise" A jazz combo featuring Peralta Alums Zack Skinner, Nick Reeves, Railey Stern Yen, Nathan Nakadegawa-Lee, Claremont band mate Nathan Lee and Gus Hurteau sitting in on drums.

4:35-5:50: "Lyla, Gus & Kevin" Peralta Alums Lyla Neely and Gus Hurteau with OSA band mate Kevin Xu: Rock/alternative rock/ punk and some original songs by Lyla Neely.

Rockridge Kitchen Tour 9/20

Love design and want a peek inside Rockridge's best kitchens? Then don’t miss the Rockridge Kitchen Tour on Sunday, Sept 20 from 12:30-5:30 pm. Enjoy a self-guided walking tour of eight beautifully renovated kitchens and tour the landmark Morse House! Extra 2015 events: Kitchen Expo and Berkeley Mills Seminar. This biennial fundraiser benefits the Rockridge Community Planning Council (RCPC), with proceeds used for Rockridge community enhancements. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit: ( . $40 advance standard tickets and Berkeley Mills Seminar costs an additional $25. $45 day of event tickets. Please come out and join us!

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address ( .

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Welcome to the August 28, 2015 edition of the Peralta Broadcast! Friend on Facebook ( Follow on Twitter ( FULL CALENDAR (

  • Thurs, Sept. 3 6:30 Back to School Night
  • Wed, Sept. 9 6pm PPTG Meeting
  • Monday, Sept. 7 Labor Day - P.E.A.C.E. CLOSED
  • Saturday, Sept. 12 Garden Work Day 9am


Making the Peralta World Go Round

Welcome back to school at beautiful and charming Peralta Elementary. As we reflect on our first week, readers have likely invested in new backpacks and a hello to the new teacher. Maybe you invested in some new shoes and a haircut for your child. Many parents have already made the ultimate investment in their school and community by donating money and/or time to the Peralta Parent – Teacher Group ( (PPTG).

On Monday students were greeted by safety officers guiding them across Dana Street and helping them from cars, a well tended garden, colorful art on buildings and a smiling teacher. Without PPTG imagine a Peralta with drab beige portables on a cement slab, students navigating across the street in commuter traffic. No art, no music, no garden, no sports or field trips.

Your tax dollars pay for a free public education and your donations of time and money provide a more colorful, enriching and safe education.

The goal this year is 80% participation in donations to the Peralta Fund. That could be a donation of $1 or $3000 – PPTG offers guides but each family is encouraged to make the decision that is right for them. As of Friday August 28, 2015 we are at 32 percent. To learn more and donate visit:

More Than Money

The Peralta reputation was built on more than money. Outstanding volunteers work year round to ensure that the garden is maintained and programs are continuously supported. But it doesn’t take a major time commitment. Unloading pumpkins in October, helping out a teacher, setting up chairs or cooking some hot dogs – there is a place for everyone and a fit for the time they have to share.

Find out more on Wednesday: PPTG Meeting | September 9th [Wednesday] Meeting social/dinner starts at 6:00 pm, meeting at 6:30, FREE CHILDCARE!


Every weekday morning from 8:10-8:40 PPTG provides a crossing guard and greeters at the Drop Off Zone on Dana street. Parent volunteers are needed to be crossing guards and greeters and 4th and 5th grade students are needed to be student greeters. Dylan Nolfi, safety patrol coordinator, will be signing up parents volunteers at the PPTG meeting on September 9th.

Peralta Gardens

On Monday you may have noticed the gardens welcoming students to school. Despite rumors magic garden gnomes were not responsible but rather a great group of volunteers kept up the gardens and the greenery over the summer. There will be lots of opportunities to help out in the gardens this year and the first is the first Garden Work Day on Saturday, September 12 from 9am – 1pm. Please come out and help trim, cut, pull, mulch and plant! You can come for the entire time or any portion. Bring your garden gloves and your kids! The kids love running around and have lots of fun. Food and Cole coffee (yum!) are provided.

One of the things that makes Peralta so special is the gardens. Want to get even more involved? Contact David Lorie at

Parking Alert! The city of Oakland conducts street sweeping on the 2^nd and 4^th Monday and Tuesday of each month between 12:30 and 3:30PM. Watch out as parking is strictly enforced and you will get a pricey ticket!

There is a new parking alert this year. Beginning September 14^th the City of Oakland will require residential parking permits for streets on and between Colby and College and Alcatraz and Claremont. Only two hour parking will be allowed without a permit. According to the City of Oakland the fine will be $83 for offenders.

The Peralta Broadcast contacted the City Transportation and Services Division and an engineer pointed out that restricted parking around Claremont Middle School has been in effect for a few years without complaint.

The Peralta community encourages student families to walk and roll. When that isn’t possible the safety patrol facilitates safe drop offs. Park with caution, parents and guardians.

New Time for Student Dismissal

This first week of school was set as minimal days. Going forward Wednesday is a minimum day for Peralta and dismissal is at 1:30pm. Dismissal on other days is now 2:45pm.

4^th Graders Free at National Parks this year Thanks to the Every Kid in a Park initiative, all 4th graders and their families will be invited to visit our country’s outdoor treasures and historic sites anytime they like during the 2015-2016 school year…free of charge!

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Kena Hudson at this address ( .

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Welcome to the November 5, 2014 edition of the Peralta Broadcast! Friend on Facebook ( Follow on Twitter ( FULL CALENDAR (

  • Sat, Nov.8 GARDEN WORK DAY
  • Tues, Nov 11 NO SCHOOL
  • Thurs, Nov 13 MAKE UP PICTURE DAY
  • Mon, Nov 24 - Fri, Nov 28 THANKSGIVING BREAK - NO SCHOOL



Bring your family, a dish to share with the group (anything you like to eat) and your dancing shoes. I am attaching detailed event information including the agenda of the night's events at the end of this email.

The Diversity Unity Dinner Team has 2 specific Asks:

  1. Do you speak a foreign language? - We are looking for one family from each grade to share a "Welcome!" or "Let's eat!" in their home language at the beginning of the dinner. We're just asking you to stand on stage and say your phrase, then let the assembled eaters try and say it back to you. Please contact Eleanor Katari ( if you can help.

  2. Volunteers are still needed to support this wonderful event - The Diversity Dinner is still seeking volunteers. Whether you want to wrangle food, do crafts, or watch kids in the yard, we'd love your help. Please sign up for a time slot. There are a number of slots still available, so PLEASE SIGN UP.


Friday November 7th is Bike, Walk, Roll to school day! Come early for free healthy treats and stickers! This is also a Peralta Pride and Brewing Day - Wear your Peralta shirts AND get coffee and bagels and buy more Peralta shirts in the morning after you bike, walk and roll to school!

NO SCHOOL TUESDAY, NOV 11 Mark those calendars - your kids have no school this coming Tuesday.


9am to 1pm

Bring your families and help to keep our gardens beautiful. Gardening experience is not required.


At the PPTG meeting Gloria Pearce will be giving a presentation on Achieve 3000, the English arts software purchased this year. Come learn how to support you student! The software comes with parent controls and ability to see how your student is using the program at school.

Also, Ellen and the kids are preparing another fantastic dinner:

Pulled Chicken cooked in barbecue sauce

Tofu cooked in barbecue sauce Rolls Baked Beans Pickled Vegetables Green Salad Fresh Fruit Gingerbread


Beginning Nov. 18, PPTG will be hosting parent-led kindergarten tours for prospective kindergarten parents. The tours will be 45 minutes long, starting at 9 am on Tues and Wed the following dates: Nov 18 & 19, Dec 2 & 3,Dec 9 & 10, Dec 16 & 17, Jan 6 & 7, Jan 13 & 14th.

If you know anyone with kids entering kindergarten next year, please let them know they can call Peralta secretary Jan Seagren at (510) 654-7365 (tel:%28510%29%20654-7365) to sign up for a tour. You can also let them know that our Kindergarten Open House is Thurs, Nov. 13th at 6:30 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room.

Also, if you would like to LEAD a kindergarten tour (and we *definitely*need tour guides), please email Juliana ( and let me know what date(s) you are available. We may also add a couple of Thursday tours in Jan. if there is high demand for tours. There will be 10-12 people per tour, and PPTG will provide talking points for you. It's a great way to showcase our school to prospective parents.


If you have a Target Red card you can enroll your account in a 1% cash back program for Peralta. You enroll your card online via your account. More info here! (



Did you know? That if you shop at Amazon using our PPTG affiliate link ( that we can earn up to 10% on all of your purchases!

Start shopping at Amazon » (


School Board Director Jody London invites you to a North Oakland COMMUNITY MEETING

Superintendent Antwan Wilson

Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Chabot Elementary School 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 6686 Chabot Road, Oakland, California

Meet our new Superintendent!

Learn about Oakland’s education priorities

Provide your ideas

Compare notes with other public school supporters

Childcare available

Please contact the Chabot Office at 510‐654‐4884 to reserve a spot for your child

For more information and to RSVP, email HERE ( .


As our children’s use of technology increases, so do our concerns about its implications. Of particular interest is “cyberbullying,” which can range from mean text messages or emails to embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. Left unaddressed cyberbullying can have serious negative consequences for our children, including skipping school, low-self-esteem and poor grades.

To help us better understand how we can teach our kids to be good people in the digital age and avoid things like cyberbullying is award-winning author and parent educator Annie Fox. Annie will help parents develop guidelines for how to structure their children’s media use and to respond meaningfully if cyberbullying occurs. She will also share her recommendations about how we can foster a community of compassion and respect to reduce cyberbullying. Copies of her latest best-selling book, Teaching Kids to be Good People will also be available.

Thursday, November 20th Multipurpose Room 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Chabot Campus 6686 Chabot Rd Oakland, CA 94618


Rockridge Library Events for School-age Children, Teens, & Parents

Kids: Story Times on Thursdays and Saturdays at 10:30 am for children 0 to 5 (and older if you like!) Tweens: Young Writers Program: National Novel Writing Month: Free writing sessions for tweens - people ages 9 to 13 - every Tuesday and Saturday in November, 2:30 - 5:00 pm. Call Erica for details: 510-597-5017

Young Adults: Teens are invited to watch anime with Rockridge Ninjas every Tuesday evening, hang out & do crafts on Wednesday afternoons, or meet once a month on a Saturday to advise the library.

Info on more events for babies, toddlers, kids, teens, and adults at: ( All Oakland Libraries will be closed on Tuesday, 11/11 for Veterans Day, as well as Thursday and Friday, 11/27 & 11/28 for Thanksgiving.

And Hey! Take a look at the Oakland Public Library blog on Children's Services:

Now, for the detailed:

Rockridge Library Events The Rockridge Branch Library regular hours are: Tuesdays 12:30 - 8:00 Wednesdays 10:00 - 5:30 Thursdays 10:00 - 5:30 Fridays 12:00 - 5:30 Saturdays 10:00 - 5:30

FOR CHILDREN Story Times: Family Story Time every Saturday at 10:30 am Preschool Story Time every Thursday at 10:30 am Toddler Story Time every Thursday at 10:30 am - upstairs! All children and their parents or caregivers are invited to Play Time immediately following each story time. It's a great time to visit with other families. No Story Time on Thanksgiving Day because we're closed. SPECIAL EVENTS FOR KIDS & TWEENS: Young Writers Program - NaNoWriMo: Every Tuesday & Saturday in November; 2:30-5:00 pm. Tweens ages 9 to 13 are invited to write a novel in just 30 days! Come to an introductory session on either Saturday 11/1 or Tuesday, 11/4 to plan your project and find out more. Snacks will be served. Sign up in advance at the Children's Reference Desk, or drop by the first week of November. More info online at ( Contact Erica Siskind for more information on children's programs. FOR TEENS Rockridge Ninjas: Come watch Anime or Movies with us! We meet 5:00-6:30 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Rockridge Teen Advisory Board: Help advise the library on how to better serve teens -- and get community service credit for school! 1:00 - 2:00 pm. First Saturday of each month. Teen 'Scape: Join other teens every Wednesday after school 2:00-3:30 pm for playing video & board games, making crafts, and enjoying light snacks. Computer Tutors: See below under Ready, Set, Connect. Contact Vicky Chen for all teen programs. FOR ALL AGES Ready, Set, Connect: We have computer tutors to help you with basic computer skills, email, e-book & audio-book download, and portable device set-up. Tuesday 4:00-6:00 pm and Saturday 2:00-4:00 pm. Please make an appointment. Drops in are also welcome. FOR ADULTS Seasoning to Taste, a special event sponsored by Friends of the Rockridge Library: Local chef, instructor, and author Linda Carucci will tempt your senses as you taste, experiment, and learn how seasonings influence the flavors of a particular dish. Saturday, 11/8, 11:00-12:30. Free, but seats are limited. RSVP today at (

PEN Oakland Annual Awards: The 24th Annual PEN Oakland Josephine Miles Literary Awards will be presented, followed by a reception and book signing. Named for the late poet and UC Berkeley professor, the awards recognize literary excellence in several categories and are given to local authors by their peers. Join us at this free event on Saturday, 12/6, at 2:00 pm.

Writers Support/Critique Group: All writers welcome. Bring 15 copies of up to 5 pgs. (double-spaced, manuscript margins) of any prose for on-site reading/discussion. (You're also welcome to come empty-handed). Third Saturday each month, 1:00-5:00 pm. (11/15; Please call to confirm December date.) Sponsored by the California Writers Club, Berkeley branch ( ( ) . Info: 510-420-8775 (tel:510-420-8775) or ( .

Lawyers in the Library: Free legal advice and referrals. First Tues. each month 5:00-7:00 pm. Advance sign-up starts at 4:45 pm. Note: Our volunteer lawyer leaves before 7 pm, if no more people are present. ** Please note: there will be no Lawyers in the Library at Rockridge Branch on November 4th because we are an Election Day polling place. See you December 2nd.

Contact Pat Lichter for all adult programs.

ART EXHIBITS (Subject to change; Please call to confirm.)

Gallery in November: Two exhibits curated by Irving Wiltshire: Rockridge Community Photography Group & The Art of Modeling, including sculpture, drawing, and photographs.

(Note: No exhibits after November, due to pending renovation.) SCHEDULE CHANGES All Oakland Libraries will be closed on Tuesday, 11/11 for Veterans Day, as well as Thursday and Friday, 11/27 & 11/28 for Thanksgiving.


If you plan to purchase a cut Christmas tree this season, please consider purchasing one through the OT Baseball team. All money raised supports the Baseball program at Tech. Trees will be cut fresh in Oregon on Thursday 12/4 and will be ready to pick up at Tech on 12/6 and 12/7. We deliver too!

Orders must be placed before November 7. Visit the Tech website ( and look for the Christmas Tree Fundraiser for Baseball ( link. Thank you for your support!

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Catherine Kelly at this address ( .

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Welcome to the October 22, 2014 edition of the Peralta Broadcast! Friend on Facebook ( Follow on Twitter ( FULL CALENDAR ( * Sun, Oct 26 WALKATHON * Mon, Oct 27 PUMPKINS * Wed, Oct 29-31 MINIMUM DAYS * Fri, Oct. 31 Halloween Parade



The Walkathon ( is the only 100% kid-powered fundraiser at Peralta – and one of the mightiest fundraisers of them all! Over the past five years, the Walkathon has raised more than $140,000 for arts, sports, field trips and classroom supports at Peralta. Last year, we raised an unprecedented $34,000!

Between now and October26th, canvas your neighborhood and comb your email contacts to reach out to friends and family and collect pledges for the Walkathon. On October 26th students will walk laps along the sidewalks surrounding the school (63rd Street, Telegraph Ave., Alcatraz Ave., and Dana Street).

Pledge money can be turned in on the day of the Walkathon or given to Ms. Sonia Spindt (in the library or in her box in the office) up to two weeks after the event.

Checks should be made out to the PPTG (Peralta Parent Teacher Group, tax ID number 94-2831259).





The pumpkins are coming early this year! We need volunteers to help out at 7:30am in order to unload the pumpkins. Email HERE ( to volunteer or fins out more information.

MINIMUM DAYS NEXT WEEK Remember - Peralta has THREE minimum days next week - Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

HALLOWEEN PARADE - FRI 10/31 Parade is at 12:55. Please DO NOT send your child to school in costume - pack it in a bag for them.


All members of community are welcome and invited. Come if you are interested in a leadership role, or if you would just like to learn more the PPTG. Email ( for location


Once your kids have burned off a bunch of calories at the Walkathon, they can look forward to gaining them all back at the Peralta community's awesome annual Diversity Dinner, taking place this year on Saturday, November 8, from 4:30 to 8pm. Please save the date on your calendar now!

The Diversity Dinner celebrates all the people--kids, siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers and staff, care-givers of all sorts--who make up the Peralta community. The theme this year is "Our River of Stories," and there will be all sorts of fun activities focused on sharing stories of food and family. And it's NOT A FUNDRAISER!! All you need to do is come on by, bring the family, and bring a dish to share that expresses your family's heritage or traditions, whatever that means to you. You're also invited to bring non-perishable food items to donate to the Alameda County Food Bank. More calorie-burning opportunities will be available via the all-ages dance party featuring DJ Delica Tess'n.

More details to follow in days to come. Dust off your favorite recipe and your dancing shoes--we can't wait to see you there!


If you have a Target Red card you can enroll your account in a 1% cash back program for Peralta. You enroll your card online via your account. More info here! (



Did you know? That if you shop at Amazon using our PPTG affiliate link ( that we can earn up to 10% on all of your purchases!

Start shopping at Amazon » (


School Board Director Jody London invites you to a North Oakland COMMUNITY MEETING

Superintendent Antwan Wilson

Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Chabot Elementary School 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 6686 Chabot Road, Oakland, California

Meet our new Superintendent!

Learn about Oakland’s education priorities

Provide your ideas

Compare notes with other public school supporters

Childcare available

Please contact the Chabot Office at 510‐654‐4884 to reserve a spot for your child

For more information and to RSVP, email HERE ( .


As our children’s use of technology increases, so do our concerns about its implications. Of particular interest is “cyberbullying,” which can range from mean text messages or emails to embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. Left unaddressed cyberbullying can have serious negative consequences for our children, including skipping school, low-self-esteem and poor grades.

To help us better understand how we can teach our kids to be good people in the digital age and avoid things like cyberbullying is award-winning author and parent educator Annie Fox. Annie will help parents develop guidelines for how to structure their children’s media use and to respond meaningfully if cyberbullying occurs. She will also share her recommendations about how we can foster a community of compassion and respect to reduce cyberbullying. Copies of her latest best-selling book, Teaching Kids to be Good People will also be available.

Thursday, November 20th Multipurpose Room 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Chabot Campus 6686 Chabot Rd Oakland, CA 94618


Family Halloween Story Time for 3-7 year olds at North Berkeley library ( on Wednesday, October 22 from 3.30 to 4 pm.

Haunted House in Alameda at the South Shore Center put on by Alameda Teens for kids 5+ on October 24. Details ( .

Grandparent/Grandchild Gretel Candy Houses Workshops at Habitot on Friday, October 24 • 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Grandparents and grandchildren will build and decorate a Hansel & Gretel-style Halloween house. Costumes welcome! This event is FREE to Grandparent Circle Charter Members. $29/Child for other grandparent circle members. Registration required at ( or call 510-647-1111 ×14.

Halloween Cookie Decorating – In this free Junior Chef class at William Sonoma at Bay Street, kids will be decorating delicious Halloween cookies with spooky and fun designs. Suitable for ages 5-13, kids are welcome to preview their costume! 9.30 am on Saturday, October 25.

Parent’s Night Out Halloween Party at Bay Island Gymnastics from 5 to 8:30 PM. $40 for gym members; $45 for non-members. $5 sibling discount. Call 510.533.3939 to reserve a spot. Dinner for kids is provided.

Barnes and Noble, El Cerrito and Bay Street: 11 am Halloween-themed story time on Saturday the 25th will include treats and a reading of Click, Clack, Boo! A Tricky Treat.

Boo at the Zoo is when the Oakland Zoo invites you to trick or treat on October 25th and October 26th. Kids in costumes get free train rides.

Halloween activities at Lawrence Hall of Science: Meet scaly, slimy animals during regular museum hours all weekend (Oct 25 + 26) and design a robot that can drop things into a witches cauldron from 11 to 3 on Saturday the 25th.

Piedmont Pumpkin Festival with Piedmont Avenue parade into Mountain View Cemetery onSaturday October 25 at noon ( .

Skeletonfest at the Richmond Art Center ( invites kids to participate in all kinds of arts and crafts with skeleton and Day of the Dead themes on Saturday the 25th.

Jack O’Lantern Jamboree at Oakland’s Children’s Fairyland on Saturday and Sunday ( invites costumed kids to pick up treats and partake in parades while they visit the park. Price is $10 for non-members and $5 for members.

Pumpkin Patch Dash Race on Sunday, October 26th in the morning location coming soon – in past years this event has been at MLK Track or Grove Park. Kids can win prizes from Berkeley Rec. Face painting and other amusements will be on hand. Click through for race times for each age group ( .

Rock out to a costumed kids’ band at Ashkenaz in Berkeley as part of their Silly Sundays concert series on Sunday the 27th ( .

Halloween and Dia de los Muertos craft session at the South Branch of the Berkeley public library will take place after school on October 29th ( for kids 6+


Peralta’s own vocal K-3 Music Teacher invites you to join her at La Peña Cultural Center:

Harvest of Song Family Sing-Along Concert with BONNIE LOCKHART

Saturday Morning October 25 10:30 AM LA PEÑA CULTURAL CENTER 3105 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley $5. children, $6. adults

The Peralta Broadcast attempts to go out weekly during the school year. If you have any school or class announcements, or interesting community events you'd like to share with the Peralta family, please email or forward the information to Catherine Kelly at this address ( .

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Copyright © 2013 Peralta Elementary School, All rights reserved.

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